In this section of the University of Arizona Department of Medicine website, you will find information specific to faculty. That includes tools to assist you in your role as an instructor, a researcher and a physician—as well as for general professional development to further your career goals.
Faculty, staff and students gather (above right) for Solidarity Day for Humanism in Health Care circle of hands in UAHS Plaza.
As our most valued personnel asset, we provide a variety of resources to assist you in achieving your and our aims within your division, the department, UA College of Medicine – Tucson, UA Health Sciences and University of Arizona.
Regardless of your personal career track, our objective is to help you be successful and well-positioned in the different roles you serve as clinician, teacher, junior to senior faculty, mentor and research investigator.
Tools for Teaching
This section offers resources to support teaching and learning, including videos of physical exam maneuvers, department reference materials as well as links to “tried-and-true” instructional methods.
At right, UA Department of Medicine quarterly general faculty meeting.
Faculty Development & Mentoring
The UA Department of Medicine invests in its most important resource—its faculty members. Here you’ll find information about our faculty mentoring program, developed in collaboration with the College of Medicine. Also available are additional resources for your professional development to improve your instructional skills, both in general and specific to an academic medicine setting. Read about these programs and tools available to you here, including using our Academic Activity Log and Mentor Match online service.
At right, faculty honored with UA College of Medicine – Tucson mentorship awards.
Faculty Affairs
UA College of Medicine – Office of Faculty Affairs
The Office of Faculty Affairs handles many College of Medicine personnel needs. It can be your resource for information on recruiting, appointments, promotion and tenure, and more. Faculty Affairs also leads professional development workshops, fosters diversity, offers leadership training, and facilitates mentoring relationships.
- Career Development
- Diversity
- Faculty Governance
- General Faculty Meetings
- Mentorship
- Promotion & Tenure
- Prospective Faculty
- Faculty Wellbeing
- Recognition & Awards
- Recruitment & Hiring
- UA Vitae
UA Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs
The vice provost’s office handles academic appointments, tenure and promotion, and other faculty-related matters such as recruitment, reviews, leaves and programs for teaching and research
Other Resources
Faculty Instructional Development — a function of the Office of Curricular Affairs at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, oversees education of our roughly 450 UA medical students, including clerkships and sub-internships
Graduate Medical Education Programs — these include oversight for all residency and fellowship physician training at the UA College of Medicine - Tucson via the Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME) for University Campus and South Campus
UAHS Research Administration — offers comprehensive services for research investigators across the UA Health Sciences colleges to support awards and administration of grants and other funding to advance innovation in medical sciences
UA Office for the Responsible Conduct of Research (ORCR) — facilitates, administers and oversees training and support to faculty, students and staff in the regulatory requirements for scientific research
Professional Development
Office of Continuing Medical Education (OCME) — provides a wide range of educational activities at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson for physicians and other health professionals, including lectures, workshops, conferences, forms, planning guides, document templates, and other online materials