Gastroenterology Fellowship Program

The University of Arizona College of Medicine offers a three-year Gastroenterology Fellowship Program (clinical track) combining clinical training, education and research opportunities at Banner – University Medical Center (UMC) Tucson and South campuses and the Tucson VA Medical Center, the flagship facility of the Southern Arizona VA Health Care System (SAVAHCS).

This program is fully accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) and fellows completing it are well-prepared for subspecialty board examination and certification.

Number of fellows: 3-4 per year.

Facilities and Resources

The major Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology training sites are Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South clinical facilities (on right), Banner – University Medicine North, Building 2 (at left), and the Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System (SAVAHCS), with its flagship Tucson VA Medical Center. Details for each of these facilities can be found on our "Where We Teach & Train," "Accolades & Awards" and "Facts & Figures" webpages.

The UA Cancer Center and UA Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute serve as the main research arms for the division. Launched in 2000 as the UA Liver Research Institute, this facility was renamed in 2017 as the UA Thomas D. Boyer Liver Institute in honor of its founding director and former UA Department of Medicine Chair, the late Thomas D. Boyer, MD. 

In addition, you can visit our Centers & Institutes webpage to learn more about related research opportunities. We also are affiliated with the UA BIO5 Institute (on left, below right), with recently completed adjacent research and simulation lab facilities involving capital improvements of a quarter of a billion dollars. These include the new Health Sciences Innovation Building (HSIB) and Biosciences Research Laboratory (BSRL)—on right at right.

For the latest UA Health Sciences campus construction updates, click here.


Clinical Professor of Medicine
Program Director, Gastroenterology Fellowship
Clinical Assistant Professor
Medical Director, South Campus Endoscopy Services
Associate Program Director, GI Fellowship Program
(520) 626-6743
Associate Professor, Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
Director, Inflammatory Bowel Disease Program
Associate Program Director, Gastroenterology & Hepatology Fellowship
(520) 626-6119
Program Coordinator, Senior
(520) 626-3992