General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

Advances in Aging Lecture Series with Chris Wendel on "Fear of Hypoglycemia in Older Adults with Diabetes"

CME Credit Provided by the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson.

Sponsored by the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, Arizona Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, and University of Arizona Center on Aging:

TOPIC: "Fear of Hypoglycemia in Older Adults with Diabetes
SPEAKER: Chris Wendel, MS - Research Instructor, Center on Aging


Latest Anti-retroviral Drug Regimens Provide `Lazarus Effect’ for HIV Patients Suffering from Frailty

Treatment of the HIV/AIDS epidemic has seen remarkable advancements with the advent of the latest anti-retroviral drug therapy and powerful tools to test for drug resistance, making the infection almost “undetectable” in patients who strictly comply with their medication therap


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