General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

UA Science Lecture with Dr. Donata Vercelli: ‘Germs and Your Health’

TOPIC: “The Microbes Shaping Our Lives”
SPEAKER: Donata Vercelli, MD
Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, UA college of Medicine - Tucson
Associate Director, Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center, UA Health Sciences
Director, Arizona Center for the Biology of Complex Diseases, UA BIO5 Institute

WHEN|WHERE: Tuesday, Feb. 12, 7 p.m. | Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd.

Pursuit of the Patent: Positioning Research for Protection and Impact

Lunch and discussion with IP Attorney Edmund Pfleger and TLA Licensing Manager Bob Sleeper 

It’s great to have a patent with your name on it. Successfully protecting your invention with a patent can be challenging, but early planning and positioning of your research can smooth the process. Understanding some simple tips and tricks can help you properly protect your devices, materials and software methods. 


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