Hematology and Oncology
Grants for Lunch Series: Heising-Simons Foundation
Funding Basic Science Research
Thursday, May 9, 2019
2 - 3 p.m.
Vine Avenue Annex - Room 102 - 1125 N. Vine
(SW corner of Helen & Vine between Cherry and Highland north of Speedway)
Cyndi Atherton, PhD, Director of Science, Heising-Simons Foundation
Five from Department of Medicine Recognized at UA President’s Esteemed Faculty Reception
Tucson Campus Internal Medicine Residents Shine at Research AHD – Oral Vignettes Next
Congratulations to the five winners at the 2019 Research Academic Half Day (AHD) poster contest, April 18, for the University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Program at Tucson Campus. They include (along with research titles on their posters and their program years, PGY):
Full House Hears UA Great Debate, ‘Prevention vs. Intervention,’ at Centennial Hall
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Grand Rounds
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Grand Rounds
CME provided by The University of Arizona College of Medicine - Tucson
Advances in Aging Lecture Series
CME Credit Provided by the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson.
Sponsored by the UA College of Medicine – Tucson, Arizona Geriatric Workforce Enhancement Program, and University of Arizona Center on Aging:
TOPIC: "Palliative Care in Older Adults"
SPEAKER: Amy Klein, MD; Assistant Professor of Medicine
‘Happiness: A Scientific Look at How to Create Balance and Purpose in Life,’ UA Arthritis Center Lecture, May 1
“Happiness: A Scientific Look at How to Create Balance and Purpose in Life,” a free lecture open to the public, will be presented Wednesday, May 1, 6-7:15 p.m., at the University of Arizona Health Sciences Innovation Building, 1670 E. Drachman St., Tucson, 85721. The 75-minute talk will include time for questions and answers.
Academic Careers in Medicine Forum Featuring Drs. Alice Min and Kwan Lee
FORUM - Open to all
Academic Careers in Medicine
A panel-led discussion on career opportunities that shape the future of medicine.
Thursday, April 25
Cancer Center 2920 – Kiewit
(520) 626-3867
Bring a Guest – Dinner Provided with RSVP!
(Dinner available at 5:15 p.m.)
Alice A. Min, MD | Assistant Dean, Faculty Development, and Associate Professor, Emergency Medicine, UA College of Medicine – Tucson
Join Colleagues for ‘MedCat’ and ‘Star Wars’ Night at Hi-Corbett Field for Arizona Baseball, May 4
A convergence of two great promotions occurs May 4 at Hi Corbett Field for University of Arizona Baseball with both “MedCat Night” and “Star Wars Night.”