Hematology and Oncology

UA Researchers Make Next Move in Fight Against Ovarian Cancer

Teaser image for Dr. Jennifer Barton and a falloposcope

Ovarian cancer claims the highest mortality rate of all gynecologic cancers — as high as 70 percent — in part because the disease is rarely detected earlier than stage 3 or 4. When the disease is discovered early in its development, however, survival rates are much better. An effective screening technique for early detection could not only save lives, but also drastically improve their quality.

All of Us Research Program in Tucson to Host Awareness Event Nov. 15

TUCSON, Ariz. – The University of Arizona Health Sciences and Banner Health are hosting an open-to-the-public awareness event about the national All of Us Research Program on Thursday, Nov. 15. Food and beverages will be provided to those in attendance. The event is being held to raise awareness of the All of Us Research Program’s ambitious effort to gather data from one million or more people living in the United States to accelerate health research.


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