Hematology and Oncology
UA Cancer Center Retains Prestigious NCI Comprehensive Status with $17.6M Award
The University of Arizona Cancer Center has been recognized for its multidisciplinary cancer research and research-driven clinical care through a highly competitive grant award from the National Cancer Institute.
Hem/Onc Conference
TOPIC: Chemotherapy Alternatives and Radiation Management
SPEAKER: Dr. Krisja Howell
New IDSA Guidance for PCPs on Coccidioidomycosis Led by UA Valley Fever Center Director
UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence Director John Galgiani, MD, is the lead author on new updated guidance from the Infectious Diseases Society of America for primary care physicians and other clinicians on treatment and care of patients suffering from coccidioidomycosis, a fungal disease endemic to the Southwest known as Valley Fever.
A Good Line in Often Means Good Results Out
Two new incoming fellows for the University of Arizona Nephrology Fellowship Program practice central line placement July 7 in the ASTEC lab under the careful instruction of Bijin Thajudeen, MD (pictured above in dark shirt), key clinical educator for the Division of Nephrology.
UA Grad Student Uses Her Rheumatoid Arthritis to Fuel Research
Laura Hopkins, a graduate student and member of the reserch team of University of Arizona endocrinologist Janet Funk, MD, has a personal interest in the turmeric study spearheaded by Dr. Funk that is taking aim on rheumatoid arthritis.
UA Geriatrics, Palliative Care Chief Supports U.S. Senate Bid to Advance At-Home Primary Care
Mindy Fain, MD, president of the American Academy of Home Care Medicine, was quoted in the press releases of two U.S.
Grant Funds Research and Clinical Trial to Address Health Disparities in Bone Marrow Transplantation
Ethnic minorities who need bone marrow transplantation (BMT) have less than a 35 percent chance of finding a matched unrelated donor.
UA Sarver Heart Center Welcomes Cardiac Electrophysiologist Dr. Mathew Hutchinson
The University of Arizona Sarver Heart Center welcomes Mathew D. Hutchinson, MD, as the new director of the Cardiac Electrophysiology Program in the Division of Cardiology at the UA College of Medicine - Tucson.