‘SMART’ Use of Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Focus of 2016-17 Better Than Ever Winning Grant
Setsuko K. Chambers, MD, and the Better Than Ever Scientific Review Committee announced Tuesday, Aug.
Setsuko K. Chambers, MD, and the Better Than Ever Scientific Review Committee announced Tuesday, Aug.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to widespread storms in Southern Arizona resulting from Hurricane Newton, the following event was rescheduled to Wednesday, March 1, 2017—same time, same location. We apologize for any inconvenience.
TOPIC: Negotiating Cooperative Group Networks & ILT's for Junior Faculty
SPEAKER: Dr. Parminder Singh
Seniors, health care professionals and others can come learn about the benefits of Tai Chi to healthy aging with Ruth Taylor-Piliae, PhD, RN, FAHA (pictured above), who will speak Monday, Sept. 12, at the newly relocated University of Arizona Center on Aging’s Advances in Aging Lecture Series, which have a new time and locale.
Updated guidelines for treating people infected with Valley Fever, a disease caused by a fungus that is common in the U.S. Southwest, have been produced by a panel of experts led by John N.
TOPIC: Malignant Melenoma-Advancements in the Era of Cancer Immunotherpy
SPEAKER: Dr. Srinath Sunararajan
Department of Medicine Grand Rounds
Congratulations to the nine faculty physicians within the UA Department of Medicine who recently received promotions.
They include three from the Division of Hematology & Oncology, two from the Division of Nephrology and one each from the divisions of Cardiology, Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Infectious Diseases, and Rheumatology. Four became full professors. Two received tenure.
They are, with their new academic titles:
Do a google search for “turmeric” and Janet Funk, MD’s name and you’ll come up with nearly 16,000 hits stretching back to 2006. On google scholar, you’ll find 30 more, including the paper, “Site-Specific Deglucuronidation of Turmeric-Derived Curcuminoids in Bone,” published in the April 2016 issue of The FASEB Journal.
Beginning Sept. 8, the UA Department of Medicine is sponsoring a new monthly Research Seminar Series to highlight the excellent academic accomplishments of our department.