Hematology and Oncology

New, Old Fellows in Dept. of Medicine Programs Bring Varied Strengths to Advanced Medical Training

It is that time of year when, across the country, we have the annual comings and goings of fellowship program members graduating from and starting their advanced medical training. Programs in the Department of Medicine are feeling the churn as well — with farewells to colleagues we’ve gotten to know and greetings to new physicians joining us — all in anticipation of great things to come.

Save the Date: DPEC Diabetes & Wellness Fair at South Campus, July 20

The Diabetes Prevention and Education Center (DPEC) in the Abrams Public Health Center lobby on the Banner – University Medical Center South campus will hold its first Diabetes and Wellness Fair for a group of approximately 200 attendees anticipated, including hospital staff, health partners, and the community to promote health and wellness.


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