
The training program provides a variety of conferences and educational experiences. Fellows are expected to participate in the following:

  1. Case Conference (Fridays) — Fellows and Pediatric Infectious Diseases faculty present ID cases from the inpatient consultation services.  Differential diagnosis, diagnostic techniques, and patient management are emphasized.  Fellows develop and master the skills of clear and concise case presentations with focused learning objectives.
  2. ID/Plate Rounds (SAVAHCS, third Tuesday monthly; BUMCT, every Friday)  — Important real-time in-patient micro findings discussed in the microbiology lab.  On the first Friday of the month, Pathology faculty present cases relevant to ID, with clinical correlation by ID fellows or faculty as appropriate.  Microbiology rounds are held on the subsequent Fridays – cell/molecular biology, ID diagnostics, and microbiology lab topics are covered.
  3. Didactic ID Curriculum and Board Review (Thursdays; monthly at SAVAHCS) — ID fellows, faculty, and guest speakers present core topics selected to cover the range of knowledge expected of an Infectious Diseases Specialist as one prepares for the ABIM Board Certification Subspecialty Examination. Additionally, every year there is a summer core lecture series where high yield lectures are presented, such as TB, HIV, CNS infections, endocarditis, etc.
  4. Joint ID/Pulmonary Case Conference (quarterly, second Tuesday of the month) — This is a joint pulmonary/ID conference where both pulmonary and ID fellows present pulmonary infections to faculty for a rich discussion.
  5. ID Grand Rounds (BUMCT, fourth Tuesday monthly) — ID fellows learn from expert faculty on specific topics that span the knowledge expected of an Infectious Diseases Specialist in preparation for the ABIM Board Certification Subspecialty Examination.  Expert and guest faculty cover their experiences that touch on infectious diseases related subjects and on their field of research.
  6. Cocci Case Conference (quarterly, second Tuesday of the month) — ID fellows meet with experts to discuss diagnosis and management of patients with coccidioidomycosis (Valley fever).
  7. HIV Case Conference (quarterly, second Tuesday of the month) — ID fellows meet with experts to discuss management of HIV including antiviral medications and drug resistance, opportunistic infections, AIDs-defining conditions, and evaluation of patients with HIV admitted to the hospital.
  8. Journal Club (monthly, first Tuesday) — Fellow journal article review. Emphasis is placed on critical appraisal of the literature, understanding study design, study populations, measurement of outcomes, and the study’s applicability to our practice. The investigations can be centered on basic sciences, translational medicine, quality improvement initiatives, and studies that impact the Infectious Diseases Subspecialty as a profession. It is strongly encouraged to choose articles from high-impact peer-reviewed articles.