Research Opportunities

All fellows are expected to undertake at least one mentored research project during their fellowship. Projects may range from clinical outcomes to bench research. Ideally, this project will be congruent with the fellow’s long term career goals. The mentor for a project may be a member of the faculty in the division or have an appointment elsewhere, such as the College of Public Health or Pharmacy. 

Fellows will receive hands on training in how to write an Institutional Review Board (IRB) proposal and navigate the regulatory hurdles to perform research. They also will receive didactic lectures as well as one-on-one tutoring on how to design and analyze research studies. We are committed to providing strong mentorship, research training, and guidance in grant writing for those interested in pursuing academic research.

Research Mentors

To explore possible mentorship for research, see the following document for more information on a consultation on your research interests, individual investigators and their research within the UA Division of Infectious Diseases and beyond. 

Research Mentor List

You may find additional guidance and insights on our departmental Research homepage.