A large contingent from UA Department of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Allegy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, and UA Health Sciences Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center are set to take the stage with impactful scientific findings at the ATS 2017 International Conference in Washington, DC, May 19-24. They include faculty, researchers, fellows, residents and students from the UA College of Medicine – Tucson. Two more have won scholarships to attend…
The Cancer Prevention and Control Health Disparities Training T32 Program offers a multi-disciplinary mentored environment integrating behavioral to biological science research focused on cancer disparities and understanding and preventing cancer...
If you missed the April 24 Town Hall Meeting of the Academic Management Council, the UA-Banner entity formed as part of the academic affiliation agreement between Banner Health and the University of Arizona to oversee the Banner – University Medicine Division, no worries. You can view archived video of the event at a link here. Among DOM attendees: Drs. Gordon Carr, Pradeep Kadambi, Frank Marcus…
Two more physicians in training within the University of Arizona Department of Medicine—Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine fellow Joshua Dill, DO, and Internal Medicine Program Tucson Campus resident See-Wei Low, MBBS—received Bressler-Alpert Travel Awards. The awards will assist them in presenting their research at ATS 2017, the annual conference of the American Thoracic Society. A third physician, Tucson Campus resident Khushboo Goel, MD, won an ATS Abstract Scholarship to present at the conference, too…
Tech Launch Arizona—the University of Arizona office that brings inventions stemming from faculty research from the lab to the world—held its fourth annual awards event at the Jim Click Hall of Champions at McKale Center. The I-Squared Expo & Awards honors those whose work directly affects the quality of life for people in Tucson, across Arizona and worldwide through research, collaboration and technology commercialization. Drs. Steve Goldman and Bhaskar Banerjee were among those recognized…
Taking a precision medicine approach, the project will seek to find answers to why blacks, Hispanics and Asians are more likely to suffer disseminated infections attacking the bones while whites are more apt to suffer central nervous system attacks, and others suffer no attacks.
Two faculty members from the UA Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology—Drs. Archita Desai, a Liver Research Institute research associate, and Bhaskar Banerjee, who also is a professor of optical sciences and biomedical engineering—will be presenters at the next DOM Research Seminar Series lecture on Thursday, May 11, noon-1 p.m., in the Room 5403 auditorium of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson. Save the date and post the flyer…
The Pima County Fair (April 20-30) will host a joint public outreach effort by Pima County Health, COPE Community Services and the University of Arizona Petersen Clinics—the latter’s focus being on raising awareness about HIV and AIDS prevention. The clinics are hoping to diversify membership in their Consumer Advocacy Board, which meets quarterly, to expand their urban/rural reach. Look for Petersen Clinic staff also at the Bisbee Pride festival (June 16-18)…
The National Council on Aging says a quarter of Americans age 65 and over fall each year, which translates to an older adult seeking ER treatment every 11 seconds at a financial toll of nearly $70 billion by 2020. A $10,000 grant from the Arizona Area Health Education Center to Dr. Ruth Taylor-Piliae will evaluate integration of a low-cost balance exercise program into geriatric services through the UA Center on Aging in partnership with El Rio Health Center to help remedy that…
Banner – University Medicine marked its second anniversary recently with a video of physicians and staff on what they’re proud of since the merger of Banner Health and University of Arizona Health Network created the new Banner academic medicine division. The division's governing board, the UA-Banner Academic Management Council, will host a town hall, April 24, noon-1 p.m., in DuVal Auditorium…
Do you occasionally miss a lecture or seminar because you weren’t able to easily add it to your smartphone or computer calendar? Never again. If you haven’t checked out the Events webpage at the UA Department of Medicine website lately, a new tool has been added that enables you to add an event to your personal itinerary via iCalendar, Outlook, Google or Yahoo calendar. Check it out…
Save the date Wednesday, April 26, 5-7:30 p.m., for the next Southern Arizona Biomedical Research Symposia 2017, which features a Translational Research Career Panel & Reception with six panelists. Among them are three faculty of the UA Department of Medicine – Tucson: Drs. Julie Bauman, Monica Kraft and Prabir Roy-Chaudhury. Panel discussion and Q&A in Kiewit, with reception after in UA Cancer Center lobby. Register now…
More than 130 high school students, many with parents in tow, came to Banner – University Medical Center South’s La Galería auditorium to hear and learn about the variety of health care jobs offered and how best to prepare themselves for them. The brainchild of two South Campus internal medicine residents, the April 11 event won broad support and included two southside natives and UA grads as speakers, ER nurse Norma Mercado and Pima County health director Dr. Francisco García…
The work of UA gastroenterologist Dr. Bhaskar Banerjee and the UA College of Optical Sciences Ron Liang to develop a “dual-view” endoscope that sees forwards and backwards to better detect potentially cancerous polyps during colonoscopies was recognized on NPR 89.1 FM. Hear and read about it here…
The UA College of Medicine – Tucson and Banner Health’s Tucson health care facilities will host the 12th Annual Organ Donor Family Tribute, April 23, and participate April 30 in the Tucson March for Babies 5K Walk/Run in Reid Park for their “one big day” push to register/re-register donors as part of the Donor Network of Arizona “Health Care for Hope” statewide hospital donor registration challenge. Read on for how to confirm your donor status, or join or donate to the UA/Banner March of Dimes team…
Congratulations to Lucia “Lucy” Contreras, who was the UA Department of Medicine’s representative among nominees for the UA Health Sciences 2017 Awards for Excellence presented April 12 in DuVal Auditorium. She was among eight honored with nominations from the UA College of Medicine and nearly 25 nominees overall…
We’re down to the last three (or six, if you’re counting speakers) lectures in the inaugural season for the DOM Research Seminar Series. Speaking Thursday, April 13, noon-1 p.m., are Dr. Ankit Desai on “Bench-to-Bedside Approaches Unravel Inflammatory Mechanisms Underlying Novel Cardiovascular Phenotypes in Sickle Cell Disease,” and Dr. Liz Connick on “The Role of B Cell Follicles in HIV Replication and Persistence.” Be there—COM-T Room 5403. A light lunch will be served…