Translational and Regenerative Medicine

Eureka! Recognizing when Research Gives Rise to Invention

A Panel Discussion with Innovative Researchers of the College of Medicine – Tucson and Tech Launch Arizona 
As a UA faculty member, researcher or graduate student, you develop new ways of solving problems every day. But how do you know when your idea or research could give rise to an invention? It’s not as obvious as you think. 

At this one-hour panel discussion and lunch, we’ll talk with three accomplished UA researchers/ inventors/entrepreneurs who are working with Tech Launch Arizona to protect and commercialize inventions stemming from their research:

UA Science Lecture with Dr. Donata Vercelli: ‘Germs and Your Health’

TOPIC: “The Microbes Shaping Our Lives”
SPEAKER: Donata Vercelli, MD
Professor, Cellular and Molecular Medicine, UA college of Medicine - Tucson
Associate Director, Asthma and Airway Disease Research Center, UA Health Sciences
Director, Arizona Center for the Biology of Complex Diseases, UA BIO5 Institute

WHEN|WHERE: Tuesday, Feb. 12, 7 p.m. | Centennial Hall, 1020 E. University Blvd.


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