Translational and Regenerative Medicine

UA Pulmonary Fellows Win Big at National CHEST Challenge Competition in LA

Three University of Arizona pulmonary fellows who qualified in June for the National CHEST Challenge medical knowledge competition at the American College of Chest Physicians’ CHEST 2016 conference came away with the top trophy on Tuesday, Oct. 25, in Los Angeles.

The game-show-style event had all the glamour of Hollywood with a fully lit stage, moderator a la Jeopardy’s Alex Trebek and three teams—two from Brooklyn, N.Y., and ours representing Banner – University Medical Center Tucson.

UA Cancer Center Scientist Recognized for ‘Bold Approach to Major Challenges in Biomedical Research’ through NIH Transformative Research Award

Keith Maggert, PhD, a research scientist at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, has received a prestigious Transformative Research Award (TRA) and a five-year, $1.7 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to fund his research program, “Induced Transgenerational Inheritance Without Epigenetics.”

UA Endocrinology Lecture to Put Spotlight on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behavior and the Evolution of Human Health, Nov. 8

The evolutionary roots of physical activity and health are the subject of David Raichlen, PhD, an associate professor and research scientist in the University of Arizona School of Anthropology, who is the next speaker for the UA Endocrinology Grand Rounds.

Battling Kissing Bugs and Chagas Disease in Bisbee with UA Help

With many of its houses built on uneven, rocky foundations, the southern Arizona city of Bisbee is a haven for kissing bugs, which pose serious public health concerns.

BISBEE, Ariz. — Plant your feet on Main Street in old Bisbee and cast your eyes upward, toward the turquoise blue sky. Now, take in the view — a panorama of houses perched on narrow roads that retreat into the hills.


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