Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program

The Infectious Diseases Fellowship curriculum is designed to provide didactic teaching and supervised clinical experiences in treatment of a broad range of infectious diseases, with in depth training in treatment of HIV infection and coccidiodomycosis. Fellows are expected also to perform research, ideally in an area relevant to their career goals. The fellowship program is two years in duration.

Fellowship Goals

The goals of our Infectious Diseases fellowship training program are:

  • To develop fellows’ expertise in treating common, as well as uncommon, infectious diseases;
  • To strengthen their skills in reading and critiquing the infectious disease literature;
  • To provide them with opportunities to perform clinical or bench research, and
  • To offer fellows specific experiences and guidance tailored to their career goals.

Fellows are expected to:

  • Acquire a good working knowledge of the specific program content in clinical Infectious Diseases as outlined by the ACGME and ABIM.
  • Achieve proficiency in the key technical skills in Infectious Diseases as outlined by ACGME and ABIM.
  • Participate in scholarly activities and a research experience that prepares the trainee for lifelong learning and scholarship.

The written curriculum (see Training Manual Division of Infectious Diseases Fellowship Program [PDF]) outlines clinical and other educational experiences that prepare the trainee to meet these objectives. The specific objectives, methods, expectations and evaluation for each experience are delineated. Descriptions of facilities, resources, support services, schedules are also included. Two to three candidates per year are accepted into the program.

Facilities and Resources

The major infectious diseases (ID) training sites are Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South clinical facilities and the Southern Arizona VA Healthcare System (SAVAHC). All of these institutions have access to a pathology laboratory for clinical microbiology, including diagnostic bacteriology, immunology, mycology, parasitology and virology. Facilities for isolation of patients with infectious diseases are available at all of these institutions. The ID training program is conducted in a setting in which training programs in surgery, obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, and other medical and surgical specialties and sub-specialties are available.

Banner – University Medical Center TucsonBanner – University Medical Center Tucson

1625 N. Campbell Ave. Tucson, AZ 85719
(520) 694-8888


Southern Arizona VA Health Care System Tucson Southern Arizona VA Health Care System

3601 S. 6th Ave. Tucson, AZ 85723
(520) 792-1450
[Google Maps!]

Additional detail for each facility above can be found on our "Where We Teach & Train," "Accolades & Awards" and "Facts & Figures" webpages. In addition, you can visit our Centers & Institutes webpage to learn more about research opportunities. Lastly, we are affiliated with the UArizona BIO5 Institute.


Assistant Clinical Professor, Medicine
Associate Program Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship
Assistant Professor, Medicine - (Clinical Scholar Track)
Program Director, Infectious Diseases Fellowship
Assistant Director, Internal Medicine Clerkship, Department of Medicine
(520) 626-6887
Administrative Associate
Program Coordinator, Infectious Diseases Fellowship
(520) 621-0190