Resources in this section of the UA Department of Medicine website focus on those of value to all faculty and staff.
Quick Links
- AHS Library
- BioCommunications
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- Computer/IT Support
- Copy Services
- Parking & Permits
- Room Reservations
- UAccess
- UAHS Hub
- UAHS Memo Generator
- UAHS Social Media Toolkit
- UA Information Technology (UITS)
- UA Phonebook
- UA Vitae
Human Resources
Department of Medicine
For Department of Medicine HR assistance, please contact our Coordinator of Personnel Affairs, Cynthia Campas, (520) 621-4636 or
The UA College of Medicine – Tucson Office of Faculty Affairs also provides some HR-related services to DOM faculty members. Additional information can be found on the Department Faculty Resources webpage.
UA Health Sciences
The Office of Human Resources at UA Health Sciences offers on-site professional HR services. They are your resource for benefits, orientation, employee relations, professional development and more. You can access many useful forms at their website.
University of Arizona
At the UA, we support your success in achieving your career goals. Our faculty and staff appreciate the UA's collegial and inclusive culture and commitment to diversity and shared decision making. We enjoy a competitive benefits package, nationally recognized life/work program, innovative leadership development initiatives and family-friendly options such as paid parental leave. Among tools you'll find here:
– Employee & Career Advising
– Point of View Mediation Program
– Leadership Coaching
– Programs, Classes, Workshops & More
– Flexible Work Arrangement Guide
– Childcare, Elder Care, Wellness & EAP
– Articles, Presentations & Resources
Other Resources
- Clerkship and Sub-Internships Program — medical school clinical training spans two years (for third- and fourth-year students) and includes the internal medicine clerkship, medicine/subspecialty electives and the internal medicine sub-internship
- Graduate Medical Education Programs — this includes all residency and fellowship physician training through the UA College of Medicine – Tucson Office of Graduate Medical Education (GME) for University Campus and South Campus
In the Department of Medicine, there are three ACGME-accredited residency programs, and 15 ACGME-accredited fellowships (not including two new fellowships approved in 2017 for the Division of Cardiology).
- UAHS Research Administration — offers comprehensive services for research investigators across the UA Health Sciences colleges to support awards and administration of grants and other funding to advance innovation in medical sciences
- UA Office for the Responsible Conduct of Research (ORCR) — facilitates, administers and oversees training and support to faculty, students and staff in the regulatory requirements for scientific research