The following published papers illustrate the latest investigative endeavors of faculty and research staff in the University of Arizona Department of Medicine and its 14 divisions. Click the PubMed links to read on about how they're setting the pace for the future of health care and precision medicine solutions to improve patient lives in Arizona and beyond.
Wilken, R., M. A. Fung, V. Y. Shi, M. Y. Cheng, F. Patel, H. Sultani, and E. Maverakis, "Cyclosporine-induced sebaceous hyperplasia in a hematopoetic stem cell transplant patient: delayed onset of a common adverse event.", Dermatol Online J, vol. 22, issue 1, 2016 Jan 15.
PMID: 26990469
Mehravar, S., B. Banerjee, H. Chatrath, B. Amirsolaimani, K. Patel, C. Patel, R. A. Norwood, N. Peyghambarian, and K. Kieu, "Label-free multi-photon imaging of dysplasia in Barrett's esophagus.", Biomed Opt Express, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 148-57, 2016 Jan 01.
PMCID: PMC4722899 PMID: 26819824
Qiao, Y-F., W-J. Guo, L. Li, S. Shao, X. Qiao, J-J. Shao, Q. Zhang, R-S. Li, and L-H. Wang, "Melatonin attenuates hypertension-induced renal injury partially through inhibiting oxidative stress in rats.", Mol Med Rep, vol. 13, issue 1, pp. 21-6, 2016 Jan.
PMCID: PMC4686099 PMID: 26531807
Yu, Y-R. A., D. F. Hotten, Y. Malakhau, E. Volker, A. J. Ghio, P. W. Noble, M. Kraft, J. W. Hollingsworth, M. D. Gunn, and R. M. Tighe, "Flow Cytometric Analysis of Myeloid Cells in Human Blood, Bronchoalveolar Lavage, and Lung Tissues.", Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, vol. 54, issue 1, pp. 13-24, 2016 Jan.
PMCID: PMC4742930 PMID: 26267148
Ingram, J. L., D. Slade, T. D. Church, D. Francisco, K. Heck, W. R Sigmon, M. Ghio, A. Murillo, R. Firszt, N. L. Lugogo, et al., "Role of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1 and -2 in Interleukin-13-Suppressed Elastin in Airway Fibroblasts in Asthma.", Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol, vol. 54, issue 1, pp. 41-50, 2016 Jan.
PMCID: PMC4742923 PMID: 26074138
Iii, H. L. Twigg, K. S. Knox, J. Zhou, K. A. Crothers, D. E. Nelson, E. Toh, R. B. Day, H. Lin, X. Gao, Q. Dong, et al., "Effect of Advanced HIV Infection on the Respiratory Microbiome.", Am J Respir Crit Care Med, 2016 Feb 2.
PMID: 26835554
Pouladi, N., C. Bime, J. G. N. Garcia, and Y. A. Lussier, "Complex genetics of pulmonary diseases: lessons from genome-wide association studies and next-generation sequencing.", Transl Res, vol. 168, pp. 22-39, 2016 Feb.
PMCID: PMC4658294 PMID: 26006746
Nyenhuis, S. M., J. A. Krishnan, A. Berry, W. J. Calhoun, V. M. Chinchilli, L. Engle, N. Grossman, F. Holguin, E. Israel, R. A. Kittles, et al., "Race is associated with differences in airway inflammation in patients with asthma.", J Allergy Clin Immunol, 2016 Dec 31.
PMID: 28069248
Marur, S., S. Li, A. J. Cmelak, M. L. Gillison, W. J. Zhao, R. L. Ferris, W. H. Westra, J. Gilbert, J. E. Bauman, L. I. Wagner, et al., "E1308: Phase II Trial of Induction Chemotherapy Followed by Reduced-Dose Radiation and Weekly Cetuximab in Patients With HPV-Associated Resectable Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Oropharynx- ECOG-ACRIN Cancer Research Group.", J Clin Oncol, pp. JCO2016683300, 2016 Dec 28.
PMID: 28029303
Chen, T., Q. Zhou, H. Tang, M. Bozkanat, J. X. - J. Yuan, U. J Raj, and G. Zhou, "miR-17/20 Controls Prolyl Hydroxylase 2 (PHD2)/Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1 (HIF1) to Regulate Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cell Proliferation.", J Am Heart Assoc, vol. 5, issue 12, 2016 Dec 05.
PMCID: PMC5210422 PMID: 27919930
Wang, L., Z. Gao, L. Wang, and Y. Gao, "Loss of miR-125b contributes to upregulation of CYP24 in uraemic rats.", Nephrology (Carlton), vol. 21, issue 12, pp. 1063-1068, 2016 Dec.
PMID: 26729468
Geiger, J. L., J. E. Bauman, M. K. Gibson, W. E. Gooding, P. Varadarajan, A. Kotsakis, D. Martin, J. Silvio Gutkind, M. L. Hedberg, J. R. Grandis, et al., "Phase II trial of everolimus in patients with previously treated recurrent or metastatic head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.", Head Neck, vol. 38, issue 12, pp. 1759-1764, 2016 Dec.
PMID: 27232378
Tang, H., A. A. Desai, and J. X. - J. Yuan, "Genetic Insights into Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Application of Whole-Exome Sequencing to the Study of Pathogenic Mechanisms.", Am J Respir Crit Care Med, vol. 194, issue 4, pp. 393-7, 2016 Aug 15.
PMCID: PMC5003333 PMID: 27525458
Stein, M. M., C. L. Hrusch, J. Gozdz, C. Igartua, V. Pivniouk, S. E. Murray, J. G. Ledford, M. Marques do Santos, R. L. Anderson, N. Metwali, et al., "Innate Immunity and Asthma Risk in Amish and Hutterite Farm Children.", N Engl J Med, vol. 375, issue 5, pp. 411-21, 2016 Aug 04.
PMCID: PMC5137793 PMID: 27518660
Pulko, V., J. S. Davies, C. Martinez, M. C. Lanteri, M. P. Busch, M. S. Diamond, K. Knox, E. C. Bush, P. A. Sims, S. Sinari, et al., "Human memory T cells with a naive phenotype accumulate with aging and respond to persistent viruses.", Nat Immunol, vol. 17, issue 8, pp. 966-75, 2016 Aug.
PMCID: PMC4955715 PMID: 27270402
Portier, C. J., B. K. Armstrong, B. C. Baguley, X. Baur, I. Belyaev, R. Bellé, F. Belpoggi, A. Biggeri, M. C. Bosland, P. Bruzzi, et al., "Differences in the carcinogenic evaluation of glyphosate between the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).", J Epidemiol Community Health, vol. 70, issue 8, pp. 741-5, 2016 Aug.
PMCID: PMC4975799 PMID: 26941213
Carr, T. F., and M. Kraft, "Chronic Infection and Severe Asthma.", Immunol Allergy Clin North Am, vol. 36, issue 3, pp. 483-502, 2016 Aug.
PMID: 27401621
Bojang, P., and K. S. Ramos, "Analysis of LINE-1 Retrotransposition at the Single Nucleus Level.", J Vis Exp, issue 110, 2016 Apr 23.
PMID: 27167780
Page, R. L., J. A. Joglar, M. A. Caldwell, H. Calkins, J. B. Conti, B. J. Deal, N. A. Mark Estes, M. E. Field, Z. D. Goldberger, S. C. Hammill, et al., "2015 ACC/AHA/HRS Guideline for the Management of Adult Patients With Supraventricular Tachycardia: A Report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines and the Heart Rhythm Society.", J Am Coll Cardiol, vol. 67, issue 13, pp. e27-e115, 2016 Apr 05.
PMID: 26409259
Hedberg, M. L., G. Goh, S. I. Chiosea, J. E. Bauman, M. L. Freilino, Y. Zeng, L. Wang, B. B. Diergaarde, W. E. Gooding, V. W Y Lui, et al., "Genetic landscape of metastatic and recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma.", J Clin Invest, vol. 126, issue 4, pp. 1606, 2016 Apr 01.
PMCID: PMC4811141 PMID: 27035818
Nikolich-Žugich, J., D. P. Goldman, P. R. Cohen, D. Cortese, L. Fontana, B. K. Kennedy, J. M Mohler, J. S Olshansky, T. Perls, D. Perry, et al., "Preparing for an Aging World: Engaging Biogerontologists, Geriatricians, and the Society.", J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci, vol. 71, issue 4, pp. 435-44, 2016 Apr.
PMCID: PMC5014189 PMID: 26419976
Galgiani, J. N., N. M. Ampel, J. E. Blair, A. Catanzaro, F. Geertsma, S. E. Hoover, R. H. Johnson, S. Kusne, J. Lisse, J. D. MacDonald, et al., "2016 Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) Clinical Practice Guideline for the Treatment of Coccidioidomycosis.", Clin Infect Dis, vol. 63, issue 6, pp. e112-46, 2016 09 15.
PMID: 27470238
Smith, K. A., R. J. Ayon, H. Tang, A. Makino, and J. X. - J. Yuan, "Calcium-Sensing Receptor Regulates Cytosolic [Ca (2+) ] and Plays a Major Role in the Development of Pulmonary Hypertension.", Front Physiol, vol. 7, pp. 517, 2016.
PMCID: PMC5095111 PMID: 27867361
Li, H., I. Achour, L. Bastarache, J. Berghout, V. Gardeux, J. Li, Y. Lee, L. Pesce, X. Yang, K. S. Ramos, et al., "Integrative genomics analyses unveil downstream biological effectors of disease-specific polymorphisms buried in intergenic regions.", NPJ Genom Med, vol. 1, 2016.
PMCID: PMC4966659 PMID: 27482468
Knowles, L. M., P. Skeath, M. Jia, B. Najafi, J. Thayer, and E. M. Sternberg, "New and Future Directions in Integrative Medicine Research Methods with a Focus on Aging Populations: A Review.", Gerontology, vol. 62, issue 4, pp. 467-76, 2016.
PMID: 26545038
Tran, K. A., M. Y. Cheng, A. Mitra, H. Ogawa, V. Y. Shi, L. P. Olney, A. M. Kloxin, and E. Maverakis, "MEK inhibitors and their potential in the treatment of advanced melanoma: the advantages of combination therapy.", Drug Des Devel Ther, vol. 10, pp. 43-52, 2016.
PMCID: PMC4694671 PMID: 26730180
Miles, B., S. M. Miller, and E. Connick, "CD4 T Follicular Helper and Regulatory Cell Dynamics and Function in HIV Infection.", Front Immunol, vol. 7, pp. 659, 2016.
PMCID: PMC5187376 PMID: 28082992
Reyes-Reyes, E. M., I. N. Ramos, M. A. Tavera-Garcia, and K. S. Ramos, "The aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist benzo(a)pyrene reactivates LINE-1 in HepG2 cells through canonical TGF-β1 signaling: implications in hepatocellular carcinogenesis.", Am J Cancer Res, vol. 6, issue 5, pp. 1066-77, 2016.
PMCID: PMC4889720 PMID: 27293999
Wack, E. E., N. M. Ampel, R. H. Sunenshine, and J. N. Galgiani, "The Return of Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity Skin Testing for Coccidioidomycosis.", Clin Infect Dis, vol. 61, issue 5, pp. 787-91, 2015 Sep 01.
PMID: 25979308
Dunn, R. M., E. Lehman, V. M. Chinchilli, R. J. Martin, H. A. Boushey, E. Israel, M. Kraft, S. C. Lazarus, R. F. Lemanske, N. L. Lugogo, et al., "Impact of Age and Sex on Response to Asthma Therapy.", Am J Respir Crit Care Med, vol. 192, issue 5, pp. 551-8, 2015 Sep 01.
PMCID: PMC4595693 PMID: 26068329
Mohler, J., B. Najafi, M. Fain, and K. S. Ramos, "Precision Medicine: A Wider Definition.", J Am Geriatr Soc, vol. 63, issue 9, pp. 1971-2, 2015 Sep.
PMID: 26390003
Frankwich, K. A., J. Egnatios, M. L. Kenyon, T. R. Rutledge, P. S. Liao, S. Gupta, K. L. Herbst, and A. Zarrinpar, "Differences in Weight Loss Between Persons on Standard Balanced vs Nutrigenetic Diets in a Randomized Controlled Trial.", Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol, vol. 13, issue 9, pp. 1625-1632.e1, 2015 Sep.
PMCID: PMC4546861 PMID: 25769412
Miles, B., S. M. Miller, J. M. Folkvord, A. Kimball, M. Chamanian, A. L. Meditz, T. Arends, M. D. McCarter, D. N. Levy, E. G. Rakasz, et al., "Follicular regulatory T cells impair follicular T helper cells in HIV and SIV infection.", Nat Commun, vol. 6, pp. 8608, 2015 Oct 20.
PMCID: PMC4616158 PMID: 26482032
Qian, Z., T. Zhou, C. I. Gurguis, X. Xu, Q. Wen, J. Lv, F. Fang, L. Hecker, A. E. Cress, V. Natarajan, et al., "Nuclear factor, erythroid 2-like 2-associated molecular signature predicts lung cancer survival.", Sci Rep, vol. 5, pp. 16889, 2015 Nov 24.
PMCID: PMC4657037 PMID: 26596768
Huang, Y., S-F. Ma, R. Vij, J. M. Oldham, J. Herazo-Maya, S. M. Broderick, M. E. Strek, S. R. White, K. D Hogarth, N. K. Sandbo, et al., "A functional genomic model for predicting prognosis in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.", BMC Pulm Med, vol. 15, pp. 147, 2015 Nov 21.
PMCID: PMC4654815 PMID: 26589497
Qiao, X., L. Wang, Y. Wang, N. Zhao, R. Zhang, W. Han, and Z. Peng, "Intermedin is upregulated and attenuates renal fibrosis by inhibition of oxidative stress in rats with unilateral ureteral obstruction.", Nephrology (Carlton), vol. 20, issue 11, pp. 820-31, 2015 Nov.
PMID: 26014968
Postow, M. A., J. Chesney, A. C. Pavlick, C. Robert, K. Grossmann, D. McDermott, G. P. Linette, N. Meyer, J. K. Giguere, S. S. Agarwala, et al., "Nivolumab and ipilimumab versus ipilimumab in untreated melanoma.", N Engl J Med, vol. 372, issue 21, pp. 2006-17, 2015 May 21.
PMID: 25891304
Martinez, G., and K. Knox, "Mentor Match for physician-faculty: the search for 'Dr Right'.", Med Educ, vol. 49, issue 5, pp. 533-4, 2015 May.
PMID: 25924153
Boyd, A. D., J. John Li, C. Kenost, B. Joese, Y. Min Yang, O. A. Kalagidis, I. Zenku, D. Saner, N. Bahroos, and Y. A. Lussier, "Metrics and tools for consistent cohort discovery and financial analyses post-transition to ICD-10-CM.", J Am Med Inform Assoc, vol. 22, issue 3, pp. 730-7, 2015 May.
PMCID: PMC4457110 PMID: 25681260
A Schissler, G., V. Gardeux, Q. Li, I. Achour, H. Li, W. W. Piegorsch, and Y. A. Lussier, "Dynamic changes of RNA-sequencing expression for precision medicine: N-of-1-pathways Mahalanobis distance within pathways of single subjects predicts breast cancer survival.", Bioinformatics, vol. 31, issue 12, pp. i293-302, 2015 Jun 15.
PMCID: PMC4765863 PMID: 26072495
Metcalf, T. U., R. A. Cubas, K. Ghneim, M. J. Cartwright, J. Van Grevenynghe, J. M. Richner, D. P. Olagnier, P. A. Wilkinson, M. J. Cameron, B. S. Park, et al., "Global analyses revealed age-related alterations in innate immune responses after stimulation of pathogen recognition receptors.", Aging Cell, vol. 14, issue 3, pp. 421-32, 2015 Jun.
PMCID: PMC4406671 PMID: 25728020
Postma, D. S., C. Brightling, L. Fabbri, T. van der Molen, G. Nicolini, A. Papi, K. F. Rabe, S. Siddiqui, D. Singh, M. van den Berge, et al., "Unmet needs for the assessment of small airways dysfunction in asthma: introduction to the ATLANTIS study.", Eur Respir J, vol. 45, issue 6, pp. 1534-8, 2015 Jun.
PMID: 26028618
Amin, A. Dipak, S. S. Rajan, W. S. Liang, P. Pongtornpipat, M. J. Groysman, E. O. Tapia, T. L. Peters, L. Cuyugan, J. Adkins, L. M. Rimsza, et al., "Evidence Suggesting That Discontinuous Dosing of ALK Kinase Inhibitors May Prolong Control of ALK+ Tumors.", Cancer Res, vol. 75, issue 14, pp. 2916-27, 2015 Jul 15.
PMCID: PMC4506255 PMID: 26018086
Carr, T. F., and M. Kraft, "Update in Asthma 2014.", Am J Respir Crit Care Med, vol. 192, issue 2, pp. 157-63, 2015 Jul 15.
PMID: 26177171
Katkam, R., B. Banerjee, C. Yu Huang, X. Zhu, L. Ocampo, J-L. Kincade, and R. Liang, "Compact dual-view endoscope without field obscuration.", J Biomed Opt, vol. 20, issue 7, pp. 76007, 2015 Jul.
PMID: 26178408
Boyd, A. D., Y. Min Yang, J. Li, C. Kenost, M. D. Burton, B. Becker, and Y. A. Lussier, "Challenges and remediation for Patient Safety Indicators in the transition to ICD-10-CM.", J Am Med Inform Assoc, vol. 22, issue 1, pp. 19-28, 2015 Jan.
PMCID: PMC4433358 PMID: 25186492
Chatelain, S., R. A. Comp, R. R Grace, and A. M. Sabbath, "Cardiomyopathy induced by pulmonary sequestration in a 50-year-old man.", Tex Heart Inst J, vol. 42, issue 1, pp. 63-5, 2015 Feb.
PMCID: PMC4378049 PMID: 25873803
Shubitz, L. F., H. T. Trinh, J. N. Galgiani, M. L. Lewis, A. W. Fothergill, N. P. Wiederhold, B. M. Barker, E. R. G. Lewis, A. L. Doyle, W. J. Hoekstra, et al., "Evaluation of VT-1161 for Treatment of Coccidioidomycosis in Murine Infection Models.", Antimicrob Agents Chemother, vol. 59, issue 12, pp. 7249-54, 2015 Dec.
PMCID: PMC4649211 PMID: 26369964
Li, H., N. Pouladi, I. Achour, V. Gardeux, J. Li, Q. Li, H. Helen Zhang, F. D. Martinez, J. G. N. 'Skip' Garcia, and Y. A. Lussier, "eQTL networks unveil enriched mRNA master integrators downstream of complex disease-associated SNPs.", J Biomed Inform, vol. 58, pp. 226-34, 2015 Dec.
PMCID: PMC4684766 PMID: 26524128
Ampel, N. M., L. A. Nesbit, C. T. Nguyen, S. Chavez, K. S. Knox, S. M. Johnson, and D. Pappagianis, "Cytokine Profiles from Antigen-Stimulated Whole-Blood Samples among Patients with Pulmonary or Nonmeningeal Disseminated Coccidioidomycosis.", Clin Vaccine Immunol, vol. 22, issue 8, pp. 917-22, 2015 Aug.
PMCID: PMC4519718 PMID: 26041038