General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine
Dozens of DOM Faculty Among 140 Banner Physicians to Earn ‘Best Doctor’ Recognition
Congratulations to the more than 140 Banner – University Medical Group and community physicians practicing at Banner Health Tucson hospitals and clinics who have been named to the Best Doctors in America® List for 2017-18.
$3.6M NIH Grant to UA-Led International Research Consortium Seeks Precision Medicine Solutions to Stopping Asthma in Childhood
University of Arizona researchers are launching an international consortium to determine if better regulation of a protein found in lung cells might impact persistence of asthma from childhood to adulthood, working toward personalized therapies for people with adult chronic asthma.
UA Part of $8.9M Collaborative Grant to Understand How Dangerous Virus `Hides’ to Attack Another Day
The University of Arizona’s Felicia Goodrum, PhD, and some of the nation’s most prominent human cytomegalovirus researchers have been awarded a five-year, $8.9 million collaborative grant to investigate how the virus lies dormant until it activates and poses life-threatening disease risk.
UA Researchers Create First `Roadmap’ to Understand Ability of Herpesvirus to Remain Dormant in Humans to Attack Another Day
Researchers at the University of Arizona Health Sciences are the first to develop a “roadmap” of the dormant stage of the human cytomegalovirus, a member of the herpesvirus family, which includes viruses, or agents of infection, that cause chickenpox, herpes simplex and mononucleosis.
Feb. 8 DOM Research Seminar Pairs Jr., Sr. Investigators on Critical Care, Pulmonary Hypertension
Full Court Press on for Videos for Your Banner Health Provider Profile – Help Patients Learn about You Online
It’s basketball season and Banner Health has an all-out, full-court press on for filming video profiles of physicians practicing at its two hospitals and multiple outpatient care facilities in Tucson, including Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and Banner – UMC South.
RESCHEDULED FOR 4/18: Made It Happen: From Invention to Acquisition with SinfoníaRx
How do results and inventions stemming from research make their way from the lab to the bedside?