General Internal Medicine, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine

Cancer Prevention and Control Seminar: ‘Aspirin & Lung Cancer’ with Dr. Linda Garland

SPEAKER: Linda L. Garland, MD – Associate Professor, Clinical Medicine, UA Division of Hematology & Oncology, and Director, Clinical Lung Cancer Program, University of Arizona Cancer Center
TOPIC: “Aspirin Studies in Lung Cancer Prevention”

WATCH IT LIVE! (Video of this event also will be archived at this link for later viewing.)

Breast Cancer Patients Access Innovative Care through UA Cancer Center Clinical Trials

The University of Arizona Cancer Center boasts the leading breast cancer program in the Southwest, providing a multidisciplinary and personalized approach to care.

Patients are supported by a team of caring, dedicated experts and have access to novel therapies through participation in clinical trials. UA Cancer Center physician-scientists are seeking patients to enroll in clinical trials, which help improve cancer treatment and advance the field’s understanding of cancer.

Meet Your Pharmacist Save a Life: Holiday Celebration

The Petersen HIV Clinics pharmacy team, aka, T-Rx Group, and Petersen Consumer Advisory Board (CAB) would like to inivite you to join us for a holiday gathering. No lecture this time - Just a fun evening to get together, eat, play games, and celebrate the end of the year. And did we mention prizes???

Please RSVP at the following link:

If you do not have current access to a computer, please feel free to RSVP to (520) 626-2882.

UA Collaboration Focuses Attention on Emergency HIV At-Risk Patients to Prevent Infection

Alyssa Guido and Shannon Smith

Shannon Smith (left) and Alyssa Guido are among staff at UA Petersen HIV Clinics, which are operated by the UA Division of Infectious Diseases at Banner – UMC Tucson and South hospitals (Photo: Robin Tricoles/UANews)

People seek care at hospital emergency departments for all sorts of afflictions, be they heart attacks, asthma attacks, auto accidents, broken bones, food poisoning or flu. Others seek care because they fear they may have been exposed to HIV.


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