Hematology and Oncology
Future Physicians Celebrate Match Day at UA College of Medicine – Tucson
On Friday, March 16, 114 medical students in the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson learned where they will go to complete the next phase of their medical training.
The Intestinal Microbiome and Fecal Transplants’ Promise for Treating Digestive and Autoimmune Diseases Discussed in Free Public Lecture, March 23
Fecal transplants—a procedure in which stool from a healthy person is transferred into another person’s intestines to re-populate good bacteria—have shown promise as a treatment for Clostridium difficile (C. diff.) infection, as well as for digestive and autoimmune diseases, including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
2018 Match Day for UA College of Medicine – Tucson Wows Crowd in New Venue
Free Tours of New Banner - UMC Tower
Free public tours of the nine-story tower under construction at Banner – University Medical Center Tucson, 1501 N. Campbell Ave., will be offered 4-5 p.m. March 29, April 5 and April 12.
Get a CatCard or Your CatCard Checked for 6OPC/7OPC Office Space Entry, March 19-22
For the convenience of Faculty/Staff/Students/DCCs, the Planning and Facilities Office for the University of Arizona Health Sciences has arranged for the CatCard Office to host a CatCard event on our campus (AHS Library Room 2150P) March 19-22 for half days as follows:
Banner/University of Arizona Residents & Fellows Career Fair
We’re Hiring!
Exclusive Event for Banner/University of Arizona Residents & Fellows
Career Fair
Wednesday, March 21 | 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Banner University Medical Center - Tucson | Dining Rooms E & F
Refreshments will be served.
Drs. Bime, Juneman, Koppula Chosen for ‘Class of 2018’ Banner Leadership Program
Skin Disorders, Valley Fever Focus of DOM Research Seminar Lectures, April 12
Department of Medicine Research Seminar Series
SPEAKERS: Vivian Y. Shi, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Division of Dermatology, University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson, and Director, Eczema and Skin Barrier Clinic and Follicular Disorder Clinic, Banner – University Medicine North, Building 2, and Banner – University Medical Group Casas Adobes, and John N. Galgiani, MD, Professor of Medicine, UA Division of Infectious Diseases; Director, UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence, and Medical Director, Banner – University Medicine Valley Fever Program (Tucson and Phoenix).