Continuity Clinic
The fellow spends ½ day per week in a longitudinal continuity clinic during the course of their fellowship. The patient population comprises a good mix of patient demographics including a large cohort of Latinx and Native American patients. The fellow will become adept at managing CKD, hypertension, glomerulonephritis, stones, and long-term post-transplant patients (kidney and non-renal solid organ transplant). We encourage the fellow to take total ownership of their patient panel and the clinic is designed to have 2 fellows paired with 2 clinic faculty to promote continuity.
Other Subspecialty Clinics
Fellows can choose to spend elective time in additional transplant clinics including recipient and donor evaluation and post-transplant clinic. Fellows additionally rotate through our multidisciplinary stone clinic staffed by Nephrology, Urology, and Nutritional support. We expect to have a Glomerulonephritis clinic by the fall of 2023.