News - Internal Medicine Residency - Tucson Campus

Dr. Lawrence Mandarino Recognized with College of Medicine – Tucson Mentoring Award

Lawrence Mandarino, PhD, professor and Endocrinology Division chief in the Department of Medicine, was one of six faculty members named as a 2020 Faculty Mentoring Award winner at the May General Faculty Meeting of the College of Medicine – Tucson. Dr. Mandarino is also director of the UArizona Center for Disparities in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.

‘The Future is Now’ in New Skin Cancer Diagnosis Technology

A UArizona Cancer Center collaboration between Dermatology's Dr. Clara Curiel-Lewandrowski and Dr. Dongkyun Kang, an assistant professor in optical sciences and biomedical engineering, connects the lab with the clinic to develop and test a portable skin cancer diagnostic device.

Dr. Mindy Fain Recognized with College of Medicine – Tucson Mentoring Award

Mindy Fain, MD, was one of six faculty members named as a 2020 Faculty Mentoring Award winner at the May General Faculty Meeting of the College of Medicine – Tucson. Dr. Fain is the Anne & Alden Hart Professor of Medicine, division chief of Geriatrics, General Internal Medicine and Palliative Medicine, and co-director of the UArizona Center on Aging.

Photo Gallery: Developing Handheld Skin Cancer Diagnostic Technology

A UArizona Cancer Center confocal microscope imaging project to improve skin cancer diagnosis and treatment is built on collaboration of Dermatology interim chief Drs. Clara Curiel-Lewandrowski and Dongkyun Kang, co-leader of the Cancer Imaging Program. 

Dr. C. Kent Kwoh Recognized with College of Medicine – Tucson Mentoring Award

University of Arizona Arthritis Center Director C. Kent Kwoh, MD, was one of six faculty members named as a 2020 Faculty Mentoring Award winner at the May General Faculty Meeting of the College of Medicine – Tucson. Also Rheumatology Division chief in the college's Department of Medicine, Dr. Kwoh has mentored over 30 trainees and junior faculty in epidemiology and health services research related to rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.

Aspiring Doctors to Learn their Future at Match Day Ceremony

On Friday, March 20, medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson will tear open envelopes simultaneously revealing where they will go for their residency training. Surrounded by friends and family, the emotion-filled ceremony is considered the most exciting day of medical school.

Nogales Father, Son Offer Patient/Caregiver View at Spotlight on Stomach Cancer Symposium

Atanasio and Thano Gatzionis, who run a Nogales, Ariz., food distributorship, are among patient and caregiver panelists participating in the Spotlight on Stomach Cancer Symposium hosted Oct. 26, 8 a.m.-2 p.m., at the HSIB Forum in the Health Sciences Innovation Building, 1670 E. Drachman St., on the University of Arizona Health Sciences Campus in Tucson. Learn about them and register for Saturday!…

DOM Chair Dr. Monica Kraft Announced as 2019 AZBio Researcher of the Year

The Arizona Bioindustry Association (AZBio), in an announcement posted Sunday night, named internationally renowned physician-scientist and University of Arizona Department of Medicine Chair Dr. Monica Kraft as its choice for Arizona Bioresearcher of the Year for 2019 based on her work on precision medicine therapies to treat severe asthma. This is the third year in a row that a UA faculty member has won the honor, which will be bestowed at an Oct. 2 ceremony at the Phoenix Convention Center…

UA Health Sciences Research Identifies Brain Inflammation As Potential Target to Treat Tinnitus

The discovery by Dr. Shaowen Bao and his colleagues could lead to new treatments to silence tinnitus for millions of sufferers.

Responsible Conduct of Research Workshop Schedule Announced for Fall 2019

The University of Arizona Office of Research, Discovery, and Innovation’s Fall 2019 schedule for Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) workshops runs from Aug. 22 to Dec. 4. These interactive, discussion-based sessions—designed for graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral researchers—are open to all members of campus. All workshops count towards fulfillment of RCR education requirements from the NSF and NIH. See topics here and enroll today…

2019 White Coat Ceremony a Celebration of Physicians of the Future

Congratulations to the nearly 120 incoming medical students in the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson’s Class of 2023 who received their first white coats at the annual ceremony hosted Friday, July 26, at the UA Centennial Hall. See the video and photos from Dr. Indu Partha and others, as well as who all attended from the Department of Medicine…

Dr. Michael M.I. Abecassis Appointed Dean of UA College of Medicine – Tucson

Dr. Abecassis is the J. Roscoe Miller Distinguished Professor of Surgery and Microbiology-Immunology at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University. He also is chief of the Division of Organ Transplantation and founding director of the Comprehensive Transplant Center.

FRONTERA, BLAISER Programs Offer Chance to Address Disparities in Underserved Communities

It’s summer in Tucson and a host of University of Arizona Health Sciences programs designed to foster diversity in the health professions run from June through August with a similar goal: to address related disparities for underserved communities. Among these are the BLAISER (Border Latino & American Indian Summer Exposure to Research) and the Focusing Research on the Border Area (FRONTERA) Summer Internship programs. See who all are participating as mentors and lecturers (with links to video)…

Internal Medicine, Dermatology Chief Residents Named for 2019-20 and 2020-21

Ten residents will stay on an extra year over the next two years to serve as chief residents at the University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Programs at University and South Campus, three more will serve as chief residents in the UA Advanced Dermatology Residency Program and seven current chiefs will head on to their next career endeavors. See who they are and where the others are going…

For Students Who Have Overcome Challenges, Pathway to Medical School Program Demonstrates Success

The first students to participate in the Pre-Medical Admissions Pathway (P-MAP) program — an intensive medical school prep program for those who have faced greater-than-average challenges — have graduated from the UA College of Medicine – Tucson and become physicians

Two University Campus IM Residents Win for Recent Medicine Grand Rounds Presentations

Cheers to University of Arizona residents Drs. Kevin Breen and John Dicken, named winners of the Medicine Grand Rounds presentations for those recognized at Research Academic Half Day (AHD) and American College of Physicians (ACP) Clinical Vignettes research competitions. They presented on May 15 and May 8, respectively, Dr. Breen on regulation of a protein in brain cancer (i.e., astrocytoma to glioblastoma) and Dr. Dicken on heart arrhythmias (i.e., differences between wide complex tachycardia and V-tach)…

‘Class of 2019’ Video, Photos Provide Up Close, Personal Viewpoint on College of Medicine – Tucson Convocation

Congratulations to the more than 100 University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson students in the Class of 2019 that celebrated their graduation at the convocation ceremony hosted May 9 at the UA Centennial Hall. See a video and mini-photo gallery (courtesy of Drs. Indu Partha and Kevin Reilly) of the event that showcases participating DOM faculty…

Latest Bressler-Alpert Society Travel Award Winner to Present at ASCO Annual Meeting

Dr. Bryce Perkins, a member of the University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Program – University Campus, will present at the American Society of Clinical Oncology’s 2019 Annual Meeting in Chicago in early June. He is one of four winners of Department of Medicine travel awards from the society this year. Others presenting at AAAI Annual Meeting, in February, and ATS 2019 International Conference, later this month. Join or contribute today!…

Thirty-three Students, Physicians Recognized at 2019 DOM Awards Assembly

Congratulations to all the winners at the 2019 University of Arizona Department of Medicine Awards Assembly, hosted at the Arizona Inn on Tuesday, April 30. In all, 36 awards were presented. Double award winners this year included medical students Zoey Harris and Amir Abidov and Dr. Tirdad Zangeneh. Among repeat winners from last year were: Drs. Nathan Coffman, Elly Varma, Daniel Orta (who won the inaugural Lois Estok, MD, Award for Outstanding Resident in General Internal Medicine), Norman Beatty, Meenakshi Dagar, Eugene Trowers and Joseph Alpert…

Tucson Campus Internal Medicine Residents Shine at Research AHD – Oral Vignettes Next

Congratulations to winners at the 2019 Research Academic Half Day poster contest for the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program at Tucson Campus: Drs. Phan Saligrama, Kevin Breen, Darien Reed, Nicole Smith and Hyun Soo “Kevin” Jang. They’ll offer oral vignettes on their projects at Medicine Grand Rounds, May 15, 12-1 p.m., Room 5403. Thanks to all who participated, including faculty: Drs. Khadijah Breathett, Elizabeth Connick, Lori Fantry, J.P. Ferreira, Steve Goldman, Julia Indik, James Knepler, Laura Meinke, Dalia Mikhael, Serena Scott, Amy Sussman and Jil Tardiff…

New Patient Tower Opens at Banner – UMC Tucson

Nine-story hospital tower opens to patients April 22; community preview April 7

UA Match Day Results: 49 DOM Incoming Residents, with 46 in Internal Medicine, 3 in Dermatology

Congrats to the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson’s 95 graduating medical students who matched March 15 on Match Day 2019 into residency physician training programs—18 into internal medicine programs. From here and around the nation, 46 total matched into those programs at the UA Department of Medicine (36 at main campus, 10 at South Campus) and three more in dermatology. See how they are and where they come from—and a photo gallery, too!...

Future Physicians Celebrate Match Day

Forty percent of the UA College of Medicine – Tucson Class of 2019 will remain in Arizona to practice medicine and pursue their residency training. More than one-third of the class will pursue primary care — a physician specialty that is critically low in Arizona and the nation.

Media Contact: Nadia Whitehead

Two New Internal Medicine Specialists Join Faculty as UA-Banner Clinician Educators

Drs. Malika Varma and Bulbul Cibei bring broad clinical experience in training internal medicine resident physicians and medical students to the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson and Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and South.

Soon-to-be-Doctors Learn their Future at Match Day Ceremony at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson

On Friday, March 15, more than 100 medical students at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson simultaneously will open an envelope revealing where they will go for their residency training. Surrounded by friends and family, the emotion-filled ceremony is a rite of passage for soon-to-be doctors.
