Nearly 75 people attended the Quarterly General Faculty Meeting for the University of Arizona Department of Medicine, with several more logged in online and viewing via a live webcast link on June 25.
On the agenda was:
- Introduction and Vision – Larry Goldberg, new president of Banner – University Medicine Division
- A discussion of professionalism – Kevin Moynahan, MD, deputy dean for education, UA College of Medicine – Tucson
- Update on faculty compensation plan and revenue cycle — Carol Karp, CFO, Banner – University Medicine Division
- Acknowledgment of new faculty hired in first half of 2018 (see separate DOM News announcement or click on PDF below)
Video from the meeting was archived and can be viewed here:
A photo album from the event can be found here(link is external).
Click here for the PDF of the “New Hires,” “Accolades” and “Research” slideshow presented: domfacultymtg-hiresaccoladesresearch_2018-06-25_final.pdf
Among the highlights for honors and recognition segment of the meeting were the following news items:
Baker’s dozen among DOM faculty—Drs. Tara Carr, Clara Curiel, Dawn Coletta, Ankit Desai, Linda Garland, Louise Hecker, Randy Horwitz, Raj Janardhanan, Sireesha Koppula, Kapil Lotun, Mohammed Sikder, Perry Skeath and Bijin Thajudeen—win promotion and tenure advancement
- Dr. Tammy Ojo gets nod as Banner – University Medical Group executive medical director for ambulatory care in Tucson
- Drs. Tejo Vemulapalli and Sireesha Koppula named departmental associate chairs for quality and
- safety—him for inpatient operations, her for outpatient operations
- Dr. James Sligh completes term as National Association of VA Dermatologists president
- Dr. Frank Marcus co-authors chapter on arrhthymogenic cardiomyopathy for EACVI Textbook of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance
- Dr. Gene Trowers awarded second 4-year term as FDA Gastroenterology-Urology Devices Panel consultant
- Dr. Serena Scott chosen as director of Subinternship Program for DOM Medical Education Office
- Dr. Ernest Vina named ACR/ European League Against Rheumatism Exchange Program travel award recipient for EULAR 2018 in Amsterdam
- Dr. Frank Brosius named site PI for UA Division of Nephrology/Banner – University Medicine Tucson’s participation as a new site in the TRIDENT Study led by the University of Pennsylvania
- Dr. Louise Hecker startup Fibronox recognized at 5th Annual I-Squared Expo & Awards hosted by Tech Launch Arizona
- Dr. Kwan Lee begins term as president of Arizona Chapter of American College of Cardiology
- Dr. Christian Bime chosen to serve on American Thoracic Society’s Health Equality and Diversity Committee and International Health Committee
- DOM Excellence in Teaching Awards go to Drs. Meenkashi Dagar, Indu Partha, Amy Sussman, Gene Trowers, Merri Pendergrass, Anna Stepczynski, John Bloom and Joe Alpert
- Dr. Khadijah Breathett receives Top Reviewer Award from journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality & Outcomes
- Dr. John Galgiani to give keynote address at Association of American Indian Physician (AAIP) 47th Annual Meeting and Health Conference in July with Olympian Billy Mills
Dr. Pavani Chalasani takes over for retiring Dr. Andrew Yeager as new UA Hematology & Medical Oncology Fellowship Program director
- Four DOM faculty—Drs. Gordon Carr, Mindy Fain, Bree Johnston and Stacie Pinderhughes—among instructors at 9th Interprofessional Chief Resident Immersion Training Program in the Care of Complex
- Patients of All Ages
- Dr. Andrew Yeager named professor emeritus for Division of Hematology and Oncology
- Dr. Ernest Vina authors three papers, including “Natural History of Pain and Disability among African-Americans and Whites With or At Risk for Knee Osteoarthritis: A Longitudinal Study”
- Dr. Khadijah Breathett named Fellow of the American College of Cardiology
Dr. Karen Herbst wins Lifetime Achievement Award at 4th Annual Influential Health and Medical Leaders Awards—keynote delivered by UA Sarver Heart director/Division of Cardiology chief Dr. Nancy Sweitzer
- Drs. Julie Bauman, Andrew Kraft play key role in UA Cancer Center partnership with nation’s top cancer centers to endorse goal to eliminate HPV-related cancers in U.S.
- Dr. Raj Janardhanan picked as co-head of Valvular Disease Section for UK’s Faculty of 1000 (F1000), and Industry Relations Committee of American Society of Echocardiography
- ACT Against Cancer spring 2018 issue highlights immunotherapy work of Drs. Daruka Mahadevan, Julie Bauman, Clara Curiel, Hani Babiker, Daniel Persky, et al.
- Dr. Khadijah Breathett manuscript on heart transplant racial disparities(link is external) in JACC: Heart Failure tagged as one of most impactful of year at American College of Cardiology 2018 Scientific Sessions
- Pancreatic cancer patients with BRCA mutation may benefit from PARP inhibitor, according to paper by Dr. Rachna Shroff published in JCO: Precision Oncology
- Dr. Jen-Jung Pan participates in standing-room-only “Ask the Experts at Banner – UMC Tucson about Liver Disease” event(link is external) (see photo gallery) hosted by American Liver Foundation
- Hospitalist Dr. J.P. Ferreira presented with ‘Outstanding Attending of the Year’ by graduating University Campus internal medicine residents South Campus internal medicine residency graduates present internist and geriatrician Dr. Anna Stepczynski with ‘Best Teacher Award’
Dr. James Sligh offers keynote address at Skin Cancer Prevention Friends' Spring Luncheon on "Advances in the non-surgical treatment of skin cancer"
- UA/Banner Dermatology to celebrate clinic consolidation at new Pima Canyon Drive location with July 2 ribbon-cutting ceremony(link is external) (see photo gallery)
- Dr. Amy Sussman presented with Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson Annual Senior Awards Brunch
- Dr. Kevin Moynahan named College of Medicine’s Alumni of the Year by UA Alumni Association
- Drs. Sai Parthasarathy’s work on sleep medicine get spotlight in Desert Leaf and U.S. News & World Report
- Nephrology’s Dr. Sireesha Koppula, with Drs. Sangeetha Murugapandian, spearheads launch of Kidney Stone Clinic at Banner – University Medicine North
with UA Division of Urology, Department of Nutritional Sciences
- Dr. Ahmad Al-Khashman wins ‘Program Director Faculty Award’ from South Campus UA Internal Medicine Residency Program
- Drs. Nancy Sweitzer and Karl Kern earn honorable mentions for 2018 UA College of Medicine Faculty Mentoring Awards presented by dean at college’s May 3 General Faculty Meeting
- Drs. Indu Partha and Serena Scott accepted into 2018-19 class of Learning to Lead Faculty Leadership Program at UA College of Medicine – Tucson
- Dr. Marvin Slepian elected president of American Society for Artificial Internal Organs at 64th ASAIO Annual Conference, where eight UA med students presented
- Dr. Frank Brosius delivers invited lectures on diabetic kidney disease for 10th Annual International Conference on Nephrology and Hypertension (Kingstown, Jamaica), Devenir Foundation (Montreal, Canada) and University of Utah Medicine/Nephrology Grand Rounds
UAHS ‘The Healthy Dose’ blogposts from Drs. Julie Bauman, Khadijah Breathett, Ken Ramos and Daniel Persky cover male head-and-neck cancer epidemic, medical bias, precision medicine and ‘supercharging your immune system’
- Sale of UA Sarver Heart Center startup SinfoniaRx to Tabula Rasa HealthCare picked as Deal of the Year by Arizona chapter of Association for Corporate Growth
- Dr. Raj Jarnardhanan wins UA Native American Cardiology & Medicine Program outstanding service award for volunteer work
- “The Curse of Valley Fever – Overuse of Antibiotics, Testing, Delayed Antifungals” highlights work of Dr. John Galgiani, UA Valley Fever Center for Excellence, in IDSE: Infectious Disease Special Edition
- Drs. Joe Alpert, Gordon Ewy, Reza Movahed offer lectures, training at 2nd Annual CareMore Cardiovascular Update Symposium hosted in DuVal Auditorium
- Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) emphasizes research by Dr. Sai Parthasarathy in videos, article—“For Healthier Nights and Longer Lives”
- Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury gives keynote on “Patient Engagement” at 2018 ADVICE Collaborative Conference for end-stage renal disease provider training sponsored by HSAG/ESRD Network 15, Arizona HAI Advisory Committee, ADHS and CMS
UA Structural Heart Disease team led by Drs. Kapil Lotun and Ranjith Shetty complete 300th TAVR procedure in little more than five years
- Nephrology’s Jackie May, NP, organizes Kidney Patient Panel for ‘Presenting Treatment Options’ for ESRD patients
- Dr. Ken Ramos, pulmonary physician and director, UAHS Center for Applied Genetics and Genomic Medicine, leads inaugural Caring for All Arizonans with Precision Medicine Conference sponsored by Arizona Biomedical Research Centre
- As alumni, UA Arthritis Center’s Dr. David Wayne Smith honored with Purdue University's Health and Kinesiology Distinctive Service Award
- Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury delivers Henry Lecture, moderates, presents on “biology of fistula maturation” at VASA 2018 Vascular Access in Hemodialysis Symposium —joins VASA Board of Directors
- Serena Scott participates in SGIM/ACLGIM LEAD program, a leadership development effort of the Society of General Internal Medicine
- Dr. Marvin Slepian gives keynote at Korea University/UA Joint International Symposium in Seoul, South Korea
- UA Sarver Heart Center startup led by Dr. Steve Goldman, Avery Therapeutics receives “Technologies of Tomorrow” Award as BUZZ of BIO winner at the 2018 BIO International Convention
- Drs. Nancy Sweitzer, Karl Kern, Marvin Slepian, Kapil Lotun, Kwan Lee, Raj Janardhanan, Tam Truong and Madhan Shanmugasundaram among UA faculty attending, speaking at 2018 C3 Conference in Orlando
- Dr. Marvin Slepian gives key talk on virtual reality and healthcare at VRLA 2018 in Los Angeles
- Dr. Marvin Slepian presents at Society of Thoracic Surgeons’ Intermacs Meeting on “How Engineering and Pharmacology Can Affect the Future of LVAD Hemocompatibility”
- Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury meets with HHS Secretary Alex Azar, deputy secretary and chief technology officer as part of Kidney Health Initiative Patient and Family Partnership Council meeting on HHS Kidney Innovation Accelerator funding initiative
- Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury chairs session and panel at Kidney Health Initiative Annual Meeting with HHS Chief Technology Officer Bruce Greenstein, FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research Director Janet Woodcock and patient panelist
- Dr. Monica Kraft receives Distinguished Achievement Award from American Thoracic Society
Healthgrades Honors
Belated congratulations to Banner – UMC Tucson Medical ICU clinical team led by Dr. Christian Bime. Due to a misclassification as Diamond Children’s, we only now found out that the team had won not one but two prestigious recognitions—the 2017 Healthgrades Critical Care Excellence Award and 2016 Healthgrades Pulmonary Excellence Award
- Dr. Monica Kraft attends her first National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Advisory Council meeting as ad hoc participant
Among highlights for the quarter among DOM investigators were the following:
Internal Medicine research gains make up nearly 90 percent of gains by UA College of Medicine in Blue Ridge NIH Award Rankings advancement since 2015
- Endocrinology chief Dr. Larry Mandarino wins $3.4 million NIDDK/NIH R01 grant to study, "Molecular Regulation of Muscle Glucose Metabolism"
- Dr. Christian Bime wins 5-year, $900K NIH K08 grant to study “SELPLG as gene candi-date in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome”
- Dr. Rebecca Vanderpool wins 3-year, $225K Arizona Biomedical Research Commission grant to study “Diagnostic and Progressive Markers of RV Failure in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension”
- Dr. Louise Hecker part of research team led by Dr. Ken Knox that wins 3-year, $750K Arizona Biomedical Research Commission grant for study, “A Novel Ex-Vivo Leaf-Lung Model to Study Pulmonary Disease”
- Dr. Frank Marcus wins NIH grant for study of “Efficacy of Flecainide for Treatment of Ventricular Arrhythmias in Patients with ARVC”
- Dr. Diego Celdran Bonafonte co-leads UA Nephrology Division, College of Engineering effort funded by BIO5 Institute to improve vascular imaging of ATFs in kidney dialysis
- Leading the nation in recruitment of participants, the All of Us℠ Arizona Research Program wins even bigger ‘biggest’ NIH grant in state history with expansion of funding to $60 million
- Dr. Sai Parthasarathy co-investigator on National Institute on Minority Health and Disparities $3.6M grant for Nogales Cardiometabolic Health & Sleep (NoCHeS) Study on U.S.-Mexico border
- Dr. Pavani Chalasani co-investigator on $2.5M National Cancer Institute/NIH grant to improve interventions, quality of life for ethnically diverse cancer survivors won by UA College of Nursing
Drs. Joe G.N. “Skip” Garcia, Janet Funk co-investigators on 5-year, $1.6M R01 NIH grant to examine healing potential of curcumin for acute lung injury won by UA College of Nursing’s Dr. Charles Downs
- Dr. Craig Stump co-investigator on $1.1M NHLBI/NIH-funded study of genetic risk factors for Type 2 diabetes and heart disease won by UA College of Public Health epidemiologist
- Dr. Raj Janardhanan chosen as principle investigator for the Lantheus DIFINITY 314 Trial – testing a new contrast agent used to enhance imaging scans of the heart
- Dr. Bijin Thajudeen serves as PI on Regen and Ardelyx studies
- Dr. Sasha Taleban lands three clinical studies involving efficacy and safety of Risankizumab for treatment of Crohn’s Disease patients valued at nearly $6.75M
- Dr. Monte Shaheen wins a $2.03M clinical studies contract with Genentech a treatment study for patients with untreated advanced BRAFv600 wild-type melanoma
- Dr. Ayako Makino—with co-investigator Dr. Jason X.-J. Yuan—wins $1.54M NIH grant to study role of HuR in coronary endothothelial cell dysfunction in diabetes
- Dr. Hani Babiker working on $319K clinical trial to evaluate Eli Lilly treatment for first-line metastatic pancreatic cancer
- Dr. Aaron Scott pursues $420K clinical trial to treat gastric & gastroesophageal cancer
- Dr. Kumar Abhijeet is principal investigator on a $1.05M clinical trial to assess “Ublituximab + TGR-1202 With or Without Bendamustine and TGR-1202 Alone in Patients with Previously Treated Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (UNITY-NHL)”
- Dr. Monte Shaheen involved in $419K clinical trial to assess “Immune Checkpoint Therapy in Patients with Advanced/ Metastatic Solid Tumors”
- Dr. Clara Curiel-Lewandrowski wins $261K Amgen clinical trial for treatment study on patients with cutaneous squamous cell cancer
- Dr. Tara Carr serving as PI on separate clinical trials involving peanut allergies and asthma with a combined worth of nearly $287K