The Petersen HIV Clinics pharmacy team provides a brief presentation and Q&A on Friday, July 22, about new and future treatments for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and AIDS at the Leon Levy Cancer Center building, located in front of the Banner – University Medical Center Tucson hospital.
Renowned physician-scientist Dr. Daruka Mahadevan, director of the UA Cancer Center’s Phase I Clinical Trials Program and Experimental Therapeutics co-director, will discuss options and opportunities at the next Open House at the UA Cancer Center – North Campus, 3838 N. Campbell Ave., Thursday, July 28, 5-7 p.m…
The UA Cancer Center has been invited to participate as a regional host site for a nationwide Cancer Moonshot Summit being convened June 29 at the White House by U.S. Vice President Joe Biden that includes “conversations” in communities across the country. Prospective participants with a professional or personal interest in finding a cure for cancer should RSVP to attend the local “conversation”—connected via live feed to the White House event...
About half the presenters and half the session chairs at the first UA Health Sciences Career Development Award Research Symposium were from the Department of Medicine, giving the event a good grounding in research initiatives from internal medicine junior faculty recognized for their contributions in advancing medical science over the past two years…
Three University of Arizona Pulmonary & Critical Care fellows—Naser Mahmoud, MBBS, Muna Omar, MBBS, and Huthayfa Ateeli, MBBS—learned this week they earned the university designation as a “Top 3 Institution” for their fellowship program and the right to compete in the American College of Chest Physicians’ CHEST Challenge Championship in Los Angeles this fall…
As co-chair of the national Kidney Health Initiative, Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury was a virtual participant in the conference, which resulted in a nearly $200 million investment commitment from federal agencies, companies, foundations, universities, hospitals and patient groups to save lives and give hope by reducing the organ waiting list...
Immune-system frailty in adults 65 and older is a widespread public health issue. A study led by the Department of Immunobiology at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson points to new cells that may hold a solution.
A dozen graduating residents from the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus were recognized Saturday, June 4, at a special dinner at Tucson’s Skyline Country Club —bringing the number of graduates from the program to nearly 60 since it was accredited in July 2007. Several awards were also presented honoring those residents who excelled over the past year…
Several UA fellows in our department are graduating and more are coming to Tucson to train and do research under our faculty. Learn more about some of those arriving and where those who are leaving are headed…
Hear cancer survivors tell their stories along with music by Hopi flute player Jaron Samivaya Dalton and a talk by UA Cancer Center Supportive & Survivorship Care program leader Dr. Leila Ali-Akbarian…
The Abrams Public Health Center lobby will host this inaugural health fair, sponsored by the YMCA, ADA and UA Division of Endocrinology with multiple vendors from Beyond Bread to Natural Grocers to Zinburger restaurant. Get free samples and raffle prizes. Come and meet some of our instructors and take the challenge to be entered in the big raffle.
New faculty and staff are being added in just about every division over the summer, augmenting a Department of Medicine team that’s seen a number of new faces join us over the past year. Others are changing roles as physicians continue to transition between the UA and Banner, our clinical partner…
This event has been moved to Drachman Hall Room 109! Join us for research presentations by the 15 recipients of the 2014-15 CDA awards in this showcase of clinical and translational research by UA Health Sciences junior faculty and learn about funding for your research at this inaugural symposium…
After winning honors at ACP Nationals, named Gastroenterology Resident of the Year and awarded a Resident Excellence and Leadership Scholarship, she’ll head to Boston for The Liver Conference courtesy of a Resident Travel Award from the American Association for the Study of Liver Disease.
The UA Department of Medicine hosted its 2016 Graduation Dinner for the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus residents June 3 at the Skyline Country Club, with nearly 40 graduating residents and their families attending. Several awards were presented during the ceremonies, including Resident of the Year which went to Dr. Ram Baalachandran…
Christian Bime, MD, has been named director of the Medical ICU and Esther Kim, MD, is the new director of the Cardiovascular ICU at Banner - University Medical Center Tucson, replacing Gordon Carr, MD, who was picked to replace Andy Theodorou as chief medical officer for Banner - UMC Tucson and South. Earlier this year, Dr. Theodorou became CMO for the Banner - University Medicine Division...
Thirty-six new incoming interns (aka first-year resident physicians) and a transfer resident arrive this month to begin training in the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program for the 2016-17 academic year, including 28 categorical residents and eight preliminary residents. Preliminary interns will spend their intern year here before joining another residency program…
Most graduating residents from the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program - Tucson Campus know where they're headed next in their careers. Find out where they'll be training or practicing...
These Institutional Research Grants are highly competitive block grants intended as "seed money" for initiation of pilot projects by promising junior investigators. Junior faculty are asked to apply by mid-June with a letter of intent and proposal deadline to follow in August and October…
Honoring the best of the best, the University of Arizona Health Sciences 2016 Awards of Excellence recognize the service and achievement of appointed personnel and staff.
Kacey Ernst, PhD, MPH, associate professor and infectious disease epidemiologist at the University of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public Health, maps the relative seasonal abundance of Ae. aegypti the mosquito that carries Zika in the United States.
UA nephrology chief to lead Twitter chat on behalf of American Society of Nephrology on eve of Kidney Health Initiative stakeholder meeting in Washington, DC, area…
Thoughtful broadcast on the importance of end-of-life planning tells touching patient, family, physician (including Drs. Mindy Fain and Monica Vandivort) and medical student perspectives on our final days and how best to plan for them. It premiered locally on PBS 6 in late February and can still be viewed online…
South Campus resident Kai Rou Tey, MD, took top honors at the American College of Physicians (ACP) Nationals in Washington, DC, May 3-4, for her quality improvement project abstract—as well as two other recent awards…
Dr. Sai Parthasarathy is one of several faculty physicians who’ll receive a 2016 College of Medicine Faculty Mentoring Award at the May 25 General Faculty Meeting in Kiewit Auditorium with a reception to follow…