Dr. Vasudha Goel joins the UA Department of Anesthesiology chronic pain management team; Drs. Drew Kurtzman and Vivian Shi join the UA Division of Dermatology; UA nephrologist publishes book on kidney disease and diabetes; 2016 Radiology Awards honor Drs. Taljanovic and Gimber; Dr. Victor J. Gonzalez awarded grant to investigate new radiotherapy breast cancer treatment.
Eligible UA and state employees were able to get free flu shots across campus, beginning Sept. 30 at the Farmers Market at the College of Medicine – Tucson until Oct. 12 at UA Cancer Center North. The next is Friday, Oct. 7, in the Optical Sciences Building and USB 158. The next flu shot clinic for Banner physicians & staff is Oct. 24 in DuVal Auditorium. More public clinics are available via Healthwaves across Pima County through Dec. 21. See photos of the COM & BIO5 clinics...
To ensure researchers are competitive in their submission for national research funds to develop cures or new treatments for the world’s most pressing diseases, the UA Health Sciences has awarded four faculty members multidisciplinary program feasibility awards. Awardees include Dr. Stephen Black, of the Division of Translational & Regenerative Medicine...
“Pancreatic & Liver Cancer Awareness” is the theme of the next UA Cancer Center Open House, Thursday, Oct. 27, 5-7 p.m., being billed as a Community Education Event by organizers on the UA Cancer Center Gastrointestinal Oncology Team. Several groups—American Liver Foundation, Pancreatic Cancer Action Network, American Cancer Society, etc.—also will be present…
The Breast Reconstruction Awareness Day event will be held on Oct. 22, 2016, at the Komen Arizona office, 2099 E. River Road, 7:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Participants will receive free, signed copy of Meet Virginia: A Biography of a Breast, by UA breast cancer surgeon Leigh Neumayer, MD, who chairs the Department of Surgery at the UA College of Medicine – Tucson and Banner – UMC…
The college was honored with INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine’s 2016 Health Professions Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award.
Celebrating the 30th anniversary of its founding this year, the UA Sarver Heart Center will launch a monthly lecture series beginning with the new director of its Cardiac Electrophysiology Program Mathew Hutchinson, MD, on Tuesday, Oct. 25. Prior registration is required, but the events—to be held in DuVal Auditorium—are free and open to the public…
A total of 30 new faculty—including a division chief, associate dean for student affairs, ICU medical director, and three investigators for the new UAHS Center for Disparities in Diabetes, Obesity & Metabolism—have started their practices, teaching and/or research careers in the UA Department of Medicine since July 1, across our 13 divisions and the Informatics section under the UAHS Center for Biomedical Informatics and Biostatistics...
Robert Livingston, MD, 75, an oncologist at the University of Arizona Cancer Center, a professor in the UA Division of Hematology and Oncology and a four-decades long physician-scientist with the Southwest Oncology Group, died Sept. 8. A celebration of his life will be held at the home of David Alberts, MD, a past UA Cancer Center director, on Oct. 15, 4-6 p.m...
Chicago-area philanthropist shares passion for work of Dr. Andrew Weil, integrative medicine pioneer and director of the UA Center for Integrative Medicine.
Corinne Self, MD, will present on “Understanding Lewy Body Dementia”—a common form of dementia that affects cognitive functions for organization and planning as well as visual-spatial areas—at the next talk in the Advances in Aging Lecture Series, Monday, Oct. 10, noon-1 p.m. in Kiewit Auditorium, 1515 N. Campbell Ave. in Tucson...
The latest issue of the South Campus Pulse, the newsletter of the UA Internal Medicine Residency Program – South Campus at Banner – University Medical Center South is out. Read about new residents, who’s presenting posters in New Orleans, who’s getting published in the British Medical Journal and Journal of American Medicine, weddings, engagements, case reports, profiles and more…
Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury will speak about hemodialysis and vascular access, while Dr. Anita Koshy will discuss how the parasite Toxoplasma gondii, common in cat feces and contaminated food, affects the central nervous system. Theirs is the second of 10 lectures pairing a senior and junior faculty investigator from the Department of Medicine through June 2017…
The UA Arthritis Center has extended a special invitation to their colleagues in the UA Division of Pulmonary, Allergy, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine and Division of Hematology and Oncology to attend the Living Healthy With Arthritis lecture on Oct. 5, which features Canyon Ranch's Michael Hewitt, PhD, a lung cancer survivor who was treated at Banner – UMC Tucson...
Free and open to the public, the presentation is part of the Donald K. Buffmire Visiting Lectureship in Medicine series sponsored by the Flinn Foundation.
The University of Arizona, Project Sleep and the Sleep Research Network are teaming up to engage patients, scientists and other stakeholders as partners in sleep research; the first of four events for sleep researchers and the public will be held Friday, Oct. 7, in Bethesda, Md.
Three dozen-plus people turned out Sept. 9 for the UA Cancer Center Open House to hear a talk about “Lymphoma & Leukemia” by Drs. Daniel Persky and Ravi Krishnadasan. Next event, Sat., Oct. 22, focuses on Breast Reconstruction Awareness and the UACC Breast Health Team with a program also Thu., Oct. 27, on GI cancers…
The first lecture in the UA Department of Medicine's Research Seminar Series filled the seats in UAHS 8403 on Sept. 8 to hear Drs. Monica Kraft and Julie Ledford discuss their research on "Surfactant Protein-A (SP-A) & Asthma: From Basic Science to Translational Research." The next speakers in the series are Dr. Prabir Roy-Chaudhury, Chief, Division of Nephrology, and Dr. Anita Koshy, assistant professor in the Departments of Neurology and Immunobiology, at noon Thursday, Oct. 13...
The inaugural lecture in the new Department of Medicine Research Seminar Series will be at noon, Sept. 8, in UAHS Room 8403, also known as the Chase Bank Auditorium. Presenting are Drs. Monica Kraft and Julie Ledford with the theme, "Surfactant Protein-A and Asthma: From Basic Science to Translational Research"…