
Elaine Hutchison, MS4, wins J.W. Smith Award for Outstanding Medical Student
DOM Annual Awards Honor Forty at Arizona Inn

A total of 42 awards were presented to medical students, residents, fellows and faculty physicians at the Arizona Inn during the annual University of Arizona Department of Medicine Education Awards Reception, April 18…

DOM Docs Open New Geriatric Consultation Clinics at Banner – UMC

Two additional mornings per week are available for Banner, community physicians to make geriatric patient referrals, courtesy of Drs. Paul Gee and Ana Sanguineti…

Photo spread of Match Day at the University of Arizona College of Medicine Tucson
New Residents Begin Internal Medicine Training in July

Congrats to all graduating medical students. In Tucson, we’ll be joined by 36 new internal medicine residents at the Tucson Campus program, 10 new internal medicine residents at the South Campus program and two new dermatology residents. See photos from graduation and Match Day…

UA Health Sciences Supports Diverse and Determined Pathways to Medicine

Four UA students share their stories of being accepted into the UA Health Sciences Pathways Programs. The Phoenix- and Tucson-based programs have successfully changed the diversity of the UA Colleges of Medicine and ultimately will impact the diversity of the medical workforce.

Internal medicine residents at the University of Arizona discuss a poster project on cardiology
Four of 25 Tucson Campus IM Residents Take Top Honors in Research AHD Poster Competition

Twenty-five participants in the 2016 Research Academic Half-Day poster competition for residents in the Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus shared their work for viewing and judging April 28 in DuVal Auditorium. Top honors went to Roberto Bernardo, MD; Justin Lee, MBBS; Jawad Bilal, MBBS, and Manjinder Kaur, DO. See a photo collage here…

[Carol Gregorio, PhD]
Dr. Gregorio named Vice Dean for Innovation and Development for UA College of Medicine – Tucson

Carol Gregorio, PhD, has been appointed vice dean for innovation and development in the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson (COM-T), effective May 9.

Celebrating the Career of Dr. David Albert, UA Cancer Center Throws a Party

For his May 8 retirement, the UA Cancer Center honored its director emeritus and regents professor Dr. David S. Alberts with a scientific symposium, a “Celebrating a Stellar Career” tribute and a large reception. A key player in the center’s founding as well as that of the UA Skin Cancer Institute, he has dedicated himself to building a $5 million endowment to support the institute. See the pictures and find how you might support that effort…

[Akinlolu Ojo, MD, MPH, PhD, MBA]
Dr. Akinlolu Ojo Leads Discussion About Precision Medicine with Bioscience Leaders

He was the Keynote Speaker at this Year’s AZBio Expo

Women with Heart Disease Often Don’t Realize It

Research shows that women and health-care professionals both have difficulty recognizing symptoms of heart disease in women, which can lead to delayed treatment and incorrect diagnoses, says University of Arizona nursing professor Anne Rosenfeld.

[Photo of Bentley Bobrow, MD, and another of someone providing CPR on a dummy]
Help Is Just a Phone Call Away – Telephone CPR Improves Cardiac Arrest Outcomes, UA Research Finds

“These outcomes demonstrate that it is feasible to save lives from cardiac arrest through implementing and measuring this key intervention of Telephone-CPR instructions delivered by 9-1-1 dispatchers,” said UA Emergency Medicine researcher Dr. Bentley J. Bobrow.

[Oscar Beita, MPH]
Two New Leadership Appointments Announced at UA Health Sciences Office of Diversity and Inclusion

Oscar Beita, MPH, and Lydia Kennedy, MEd, who currently work within the UA Health Sciences Office of Diversity and Inclusion, will be taking on new leadership roles.

People and Programs on the Move at Banner – University Medical Center

Banner – University Medical Center Tucson and Banner – University Medical Center South are part of Banner – University Medicine, a premier academic medical network. These institutions are academic medical centers for the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson.

[Alex Sandweiss]
Opioid Research by UAHS MD-PhD Student Alex Sandweiss Receives Three Awards

Understanding how opioids activate the reward pathway leading to addiction is crucial to developing a non-addictive pain reliever, says Sandweiss, who also is arranger/director for the singing group DocApella

[Living Healthy With Arthrtis purple logo]
‘Decoding Osteoarthritis…New Approaches to Prevention and Treatment Using Your Brain and Body’ Subject of UA Arthritis Center Lecture, May 4

Free and open to the public, the lecture by Dr. Charles Ratzlaff will discuss the prevention and management of knee and hip osteoarthritis with an emphasis on neuromuscular re-training.

Medicine Grand Rounds logo
Archived Medicine Grand Rounds Now on iTunes

Did you know that you can view/listen to UA Department of Medicine Grand Rounds via Apple’s iTunes? It's true...

Making Precision Medicine a Reality: Genomics Researchers Discover Road Map to Disease Origin

University of Arizona Health Sciences, University of Pennsylvania and Vanderbilt University researchers are one step closer to understanding the genetic and biological basis of diseases like cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and rheumatoid arthritis – and to identifying new drug targets and therapies.

New Banner website preview
Coming soon: New website for Banner - UMC

Banner Health—the chief clinical partner for the UA Health Sciences colleges—will soon launch a redesigned, more customer-friendly public website that’s designed to be mobile-friendly and offers new functionality and features. Views are geocentrically coordinated to clinical programs and services of the nearest Banner facilities. Preview it via video highlights here…

[Victoria Maizes, MD]
The James E. Dalen, MD, MPH, Distinguished Lecture for Health Policy Presents Dr. Victoria Maizes, Internationally Recognized Leader in Integrative Medicine, May 6

Dr. Maizes will describe local and national initiatives that are being implemented and producing meaningful change, from school-based mindfulness programs to community gardens as well as University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine programs that can enhance well-being and improve the health of our society. The lecture is free and open to the public.

[Bentley J. Bobrow, MD, and Joe G.N. “Skip” Garcia, MD]
UA Health Sciences Leaders Among Phoenix Magazine’s Top 25 `Maestros of Medicine’

Joe G.N. “Skip” Garcia, MD, and Bentley J. Bobrow, MD, FACEP, FAHA, made Phoenix Magazine’s list of the top 25 most influential people involved in Phoenix health care.

We’re Taking Red Steps to Rise above Heart Failure

April 14 is Heart Failure Society of America’s Red Steps Challenge – 6 million red steps to raise awareness of the 6 million Americans who are living with heart failure

[Lalitha Madhavan, MD, PhD]
UA Physician-Scientist Tackling Neurogenerative Disorders With Novel Stem Cell Technology

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month and innovative research is especially significant in working toward an eventual cure for this progressive disorder that affects an estimated seven to 10 million people worldwide.

[Lawrence J. Mandarino, PhD]
Dr. Lawrence J. Mandarino to Head new UA Center for Disparities in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism

Internationally recognized translational researcher tapped to lead University of Arizona Health Sciences’ efforts to accelerate interdisciplinary research toward the prevention, treatment and cure of diabetes and related conditions.

[Charles B. Cairns, MD, FACEP, FAHA]
Dr. Charles B. Cairns Named Dean of UA College of Medicine – Tucson

A nationally recognized leader in emergency medicine and critical care research, Dr. Cairns has served as interim dean of the college since February 2015.

People and Programs On The Move at Banner – University Medical Center

Valley Fever Clinic opens in Tucson in April; Banner – University Medical Center thanks and honors its volunteers April 8; head and neck cancer lecture, April 14.

[University of Arizona Cancer Center in Tucson]
UA Cancer Center Researchers Advocate new Approach To Treat Rare Tissue Disorder

Overall implications for this new approach suggest that low energy X-rays or electron beams have a high therapeutic ratio in relieving the limiting symptoms of “Scleredema of Buschke” and in improving the quality of life of the patients afflicted by it.
