News - Internal Medicine Residency - Tucson Campus

See ‘Passing On’ Before AZPM Film Airs Nationally on PBS

Thoughtful broadcast on the importance of end-of-life planning tells touching patient, family, physician (including Drs. Mindy Fain and Monica Vandivort) and medical student perspectives on our final days and how best to plan for them. It premiered locally on PBS 6 in late February and can still be viewed online…

DOM Annual Awards Honor Forty at Arizona Inn

A total of 42 awards were presented to medical students, residents, fellows and faculty physicians at the Arizona Inn during the annual University of Arizona Department of Medicine Education Awards Reception, April 18…

New Residents Begin Internal Medicine Training in July

Congrats to all graduating medical students. In Tucson, we’ll be joined by 36 new internal medicine residents at the Tucson Campus program, 10 new internal medicine residents at the South Campus program and two new dermatology residents. See photos from graduation and Match Day…

UA Health Sciences Supports Diverse and Determined Pathways to Medicine

Four UA students share their stories of being accepted into the UA Health Sciences Pathways Programs. The Phoenix- and Tucson-based programs have successfully changed the diversity of the UA Colleges of Medicine and ultimately will impact the diversity of the medical workforce.

Four of 25 Tucson Campus IM Residents Take Top Honors in Research AHD Poster Competition

Twenty-five participants in the 2016 Research Academic Half-Day poster competition for residents in the Internal Medicine Residency Program – Tucson Campus shared their work for viewing and judging April 28 in DuVal Auditorium. Top honors went to Roberto Bernardo, MD; Justin Lee, MBBS; Jawad Bilal, MBBS, and Manjinder Kaur, DO. See a photo collage here…

Internal Medicine First Choice for Match Day Surprises

Shawn Ong was first to announce winning his top pick for Match Day at the UA College of Medicine - Tucson. Among 99 local students participating in the national event, he's headed for Yale-New Haven for an internal medicine residency. Many chose to stay in Tucson for their resident physician training...

Primary Care Wins the Largest Share of Students in the UA College of Medicine – Tucson Class of 2016

The students opened Match Day envelopes Friday that revealed where they will go for residency training: nearly 40 percent of the class – 39 of 99 students – will pursue primary care, the most critical physician shortage in Arizona.

Of 4,000 Applicants, Last of 300 Internal Medicine Residency Candidates Finish Interviews, Tours

Final Applicant Visit Day events preceding the 2016-17 Resident Match Day ceremonies took place in January. In all, nearly 3,500 applications were received for each UA Internal Medicine Residency Program—at Tucson and South campus—and more than 400 candidates interviewed for about 40 positions. The Dermatology Residency Program got more than 450 applications and interviewed about 45 candidates...

UA Internal Medicine Residents Get Early Holiday Present – A New Lounge

The new Resident Lounge for the UA Department of Medicine opened Thursday, Dec. 17, to great fanfare with a ribbon-cutting event and red, white, blue and chocolate cupcakes. Drs. Monica Kraft and Laura Meinke clipped the big red bow to cheers of the residents…

UA College of Medicine – Tucson Recognizes Top Educators

Thirty-sixth annual Faculty Teaching Awards and the Vernon and Virginia Furrow Awards ceremony honored faculty members’ outstanding achievements and excellence in teaching.

DOM recruitment season excitement builds

With recruitment season in full swing, applicant interviews with candidates for the Department of Medicine’s 11 fellowship programs will wrap up soon and those for our residency programs are about to begin. A big thanks to all faculty and staff who’ve assisted in putting our best foot forward…

Pooja Rajguru Awarded Theodore H. Koff Graduate Scholarship For Studies in Aging and Gerontology

The UA Center on Aging presents the scholarship each year to outstanding UA graduate health professions students who are pursuing studies or have an interest in aging, health care administration or gerontology.

Kudos for Internal Medicine Resident – University Campus | August 2013 – November 2014

See news bits on awards and accolades as well as papers, abstracts and posters presented and published from residents participating in the University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Program – University Campus from August 2013 through November 2014…

Noted Physician-Scientist Dr. Monica Kraft Appointed Chair of Department of Medicine at UA College of Medicine – Tucson

Monica Kraft, MD, an internationally renowned physician-scientist who specializes in translational asthma research, has been named chair of the Department of Medicine at the University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson. She is scheduled to begin her new duties at the UA in December.

Kudos for Internal Medicine Resident – University Campus | March 2013 – May 2014

See news bits on awards and accolades as well as papers, abstracts and posters presented and published from residents participating in the University of Arizona Internal Medicine Residency Program – University Campus from 2012 through May 2013…
